7-Feb-1790 |
C |
Sarah LIGHT, dau of James and Mary LIGHT |
3 |
21-Nov-1792 |
C |
Martha LIGHT, dau of James and Mary LIGHT, [One entry - twins??] |
3 |
21-Nov-1792 |
C |
Mary Ann LIGHT, dau of James and Mary LIGHT, [One entry - twins??] |
3 |
2-Dec-1792 |
B |
Martha LIGHT, daughter of James & Mary Light |
3 |
22-Mar-1795 |
C |
Thomas LIGHT, son of James and Mary LIGHT |
24-May-1796 |
C |
Ann Maria LIGHT, dau of James and Mary LIGHT |
10-Oct-1797 |
B |
Jonathan LIGHT |
3-Jun-1798 |
C |
Martha LIGHT, dau of James and Mary LIGHT |
9-Feb-1800 |
C |
John LIGHT, son of James and Mary LIGHT |
15-Aug-1802 |
B |
Hannah LIGHT, dau of the late Richard Light |
11-Sep-1817 |
B |
Martha LIGHT, (19 years on the coffin) of Aldbourne, aged 19 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
112 |
18-Mar-1819 |
B |
James LIGHT of Aldbourne, aged 70 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
149 |
10-Dec-1821 |
M |
James BLANCHARD, young man of this parish and Maria LIGHT, spinster of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, William BLANCHARD [X] |
100 |
15-Jan-1822 |
B |
Mary LIGHT of Aldbourne, aged 72 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
228 |
29-May-1841 |
B |
Mary LIGHT of Ogbourne, aged 86 by J. SEAGRAM |
752 |
25-Nov-1838 |
C |
Ann LITTLE, dau of Charles and Jane LITTLE of Aldbourne, Shepherd |
1230 |
26-Sep-1841 |
C |
Mary LITTLE, dau of Charles and Jane LITTLE of Aldbourne, Shepherd |
1389 |
3-Nov-1844 |
C |
Elizabeth Jane LITTLE, dau of Charles and Jane LITTLE of Aldbourne, Shepherd |
1544 |
4-Apr-1847 |
C |
Sarah LITTLE, dau of Charles and Jane LITTLE of Aldbourne, Shepherd |
104 |
6-Nov-1791 |
C |
John LOCK, son of Henry and Mary LOCK |
3 |
25-Dec-1792 |
C |
Betsy LOCK, dau of Henry and Mary LOCK |
3 |
25-Jul-1796 |
C |
Henry LOCK, son of Henry and Mary LOCK |
14-Oct-1798 |
C |
William LOCK, son of Henry and Mary LOCK |
14-Apr-1799 |
B |
Henry LOCK |
10-Dec-1806 |
B |
James LOCK, son of the late Henry Lock |
26-Jan-1817 |
C |
Ann LOCK, dau of Betsy LOCK of Aldbourn, Single Woman, B. B. |
166 |
2-Aug-1819 |
M |
John LOCK, young man of this parish and Amy WHERRILL, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, Margaret LIDDIARD |
67 |
7-Oct-1819 |
C |
James LOCKE, son of John and Amy LOCKE of Aldbourne, Labourer |
284 |
20-Dec-1819 |
M |
Joseph WREN, young man of Boxford, Berks and Bettsey LOCK, spinster of this parish - by Licence by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: William FLOWER, Daniel LIDDIARD |
72 |
11-Nov-1821 |
C |
Thomas LOCK, son of John and Amy LOCK of Aldbourne, Labourer |
388 |
23-Feb-1823 |
C |
William LOCKE, son of John and Amy LOCKE of Aldbourne, Labourer |
451 |
29-Mar-1825 |
M |
Henry LOCKE, young man of this parish and Harriett GWYNNE, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, William EMBLIN [X] |
140 |
15-Feb-1826 |
C |
Betsey LOCKE, dau of Henry and Harriett LOCKE of Aldbourne, Labourer |
582 |
20-Nov-1830 |
C |
Charles LOCKE, son of John and Naomi LOCKE of Aldbourne, Pensioner |
800 |
23-Apr-1834 |
M |
Joseph PALMER of this parish and Ann LOCK of this parish - by Banns by J. SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: James PALMER, Mary Ann MOULDING |
260 |
24-Aug-1841 |
M |
William LOCK, Bachelor, aged 42 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Henry LOCK, Labourer and Elizabeth JEROM, Widow, aged 47 of Aldbourne; dau of William TITCOMBE, Tailor - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: John TAYLOR [X], Richard BUNCE |
45 |
24-Dec-1843 |
C |
Dolphin LOCK, son of William and Harriett LOCK of Aldbourne, Shepherd |
1497 |
24-Mar-1844 |
B |
Dolphin LOCK of Aldbourne, aged 15m by J. SEAGRAM |
873 |
8-Mar-1846 |
B |
William LOCK of Aldbourne, aged 23 by J. SEAGRAM |
929 |
7-Jun-1846 |
C |
Elizabeth Sarah LOCK, dau of William and Hannah LOCK of Aldbourne, Shepherd |
60 |
19-Nov-1848 |
M |
James LOCK, Bachelor, aged 29 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of John LOCK, Pensioner and Ellen HAYSE, Spinster, aged 28 of Aldbourne; dau of John HAYSE, Farmer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: John DAVIS [X], Richard BUNCE |
119 |
26-Dec-1842 |
M |
Richard LONDON, Bachelor, aged 30 of Oxford, Grocer; son of John Barton LONDON, Hairdresser and Elizabeth BRIDGEMAN, Spinster, aged 27 of Aldbourne; dau of James BRIDGEMAN, Bell-founder - by Licence by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Mary BRIDGEMAN, Rich[ar]d WYATT |
53 |
2-Jul-1798 |
M |
Charles LONG, Batchelor of Rodbourne Chenie and Elizabeth BUNCE, spinster of this parish - by Licence with the consent of Guardians by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: William BUNCE, Sarah STROUD |
41 |
4-Apr-1802 |
C |
Anne LONG, dau of Charles and Elizabeth LONG |
9-Nov-1805 |
C |
Elizabeth LONG, dau of Charles and Elizabeth LONG |
21-Sep-1814 |
C |
William Carter LONG, son of Elizabeth LONG of Aldbourn, Widow, Base born |
70 |
13-Jul-1820 |
B |
John LONG of Lambourne, aged 20 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
184 |
27-Sep-1813 |
M |
Edward LOOKER of this parish and Maria JERVIS of this parish - by Banns with the consent of Parents by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Winifred LIDDIARD, James BRIDGEMAN |
8 |
5-Nov-1831 |
M |
John LORD of Farrington [?] and Jane ANDREWS of this parish - by Licence by Jonathan ASHE, Minister; Witnesses: John MACARTHY, Ann MACARTHY, Maria LORD |
223 |
3-Mar-1795 |
B |
William LUDLOW |
5-Dec-1805 |
B |
Joseph LUDLOW |
2-Oct-1815 |
M |
Stephen LUDLOW, Bachelor of this parish and Mary LIDDIARD, spinster of this parish - by Banns by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Martha HODDER, Daniel LIDDIARD |
27 |
29-Jun-1816 |
B |
Stephen LUDLOW of Aldbourn, aged Qy by T. PRUEN |
82 |
7-Oct-1816 |
M |
Richard LUDLOW, widower of Ramsbury and Elizabeth GWYNN, spinster of this parish - by Banns by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: William HATT, Daniel LIDDIARD |
39 |
4-Oct-1819 |
M |
John SALT, Widower of this parish and Mary LUDLOW, Widow of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Ann HATT, Daniel LIDDIARD |
69 |
29-Jun-1829 |
M |
Joseph LUDLOW, young man of this parish and Mary EMBLIN, spinster of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD |
203 |
30-Oct-1827 |
C |
Jane MACARTHY, dau of John and Anne MACARTHY of Aldbourne, School Master |
653 |
22-Oct-1844 |
M |
James MACE, Bachelor, aged 26 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of John MACE, Labourer and Ann CARTER, Spinster, aged 25 of Aldbourne; dau of John CARTER, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: … WINCHCOMBE [X], Richard BUNCE |
75 |
24-Aug-1845 |
C |
Ann MACE, dau of James and Ann MACE of Aldbourne, Labourer |
21 |
6-Jun-1847 |
C |
John MACE, son of James and Ann MACE of Aldbourne, Labourer |
111 |
29-Jul-1849 |
C |
Thomas MAIZE, son of James and Ann MAIZE of Aldbourne, Labourer |
203 |
2-May-1843 |
M |
Francis Webb NEATE, Bachelor, aged Full age of Aldbourne, Gentleman; son of Stephen NEATE, Esquire and Anne MACKRELL, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of James MACKRELL, Gentleman - by Licence by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Charles BAYLY … [?], S. NEATE, Cricklade |
58 |
18-Nov-1840 |
B |
Jane MARSH of Aldbourne, aged 2 by J. SEAGRAM |
742 |
2-Nov-1808 |
M |
Richard MARSHALL of this parish and Ann BRIND of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: George LIDDIARD, John BARRETT |
127 |
4-Jun-1838 |
M |
William MARSHAL, Bachelor, aged 22 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Richard MARSHAL, Labourer and Ann JEROME, Spinster, aged 24 of Aldbourne; dau of William JEROME, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Edward GOULD [X], Richard BUNCE |
8 |
2-Jan-1842 |
C |
Mary Ann MARSHALL, dau of William and Ann MARSHALL of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1401 |
20-Jan-1803 |
B |
29-Jul-1811 |
M |
Joseph MARTIN of Ramsbury and Mary COSINS of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Abrham DYMOCK, [???] |
149 |
14-Sep-1818 |
M |
John NOBES, young man of Ashbury, Berks and Mary MARTIN, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Robert PEARCE, Daniel LIDDIARD |
55 |
22-Jun-1823 |
M |
John MARTIN, young man of this parish and Martha BAVINS, spinster of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Mary PURBRICK |
116 |
11-Dec-1825 |
C |
Sarah MARTIN, dau of John and Martha MARTIN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
568 |
27-Jul-1828 |
C |
Marianne MARTIN, dau of John and Martha MARTIN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
692 |
23-Jan-1831 |
C |
William MARTIN, son of John and Martha MARTIN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
811 |
30-Jul-1838 |
M |
James ARTER, Bachelor, aged 28 of Aldbourne, Blacksmith; son of Edward ARTER, Labourer and Prudence MARTIN, Spinster, aged 33 of Aldbourne; dau of George MARTIN, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Joseph SMITH Jun[io]r, Sarah NOBES [?] |
9 |
20-Jul-1841 |
M |
Richard GARRARD, Bachelor, aged 55 of Shalborne, Gentleman; son of Christopher GARRARD, Gentleman and Ann MARTIN, Spinster, aged 43 of Aldbourne; dau of James MARTIN, Gentleman - by Licence by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: John BARNS, Richard BUNCE |
42 |
27-Oct-1844 |
C |
William John MARTIN, son of Sarah MARTIN of Aldbourne |
1543 |
12-Jan-1845 |
B |
William John MARTIN of Aldbourne, aged 3m by J. SEAGRAM |
897 |
23-Jun-1846 |
B |
Sarah MARTIN of Aldbourne, aged 20 by J. SEAGRAM |
939 |
16-Jul-1848 |
C |
Sarah MARTIN, dau of Mary Ann MARTIN of Aldbourne |
162 |
22-Jul-1848 |
B |
Sarah MARTIN of Aldbourne, aged 14d by J. SEAGRAM |
1019 |
7-Apr-1795 |
B |
William MATT |
9-Oct-1796 |
M |
Anthony BARRET, Batchelor of this parish and Mary MATT, widow of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Joseph LUDLOW, Daniel LIDDIARD |
18 |
25-Dec-1800 |
M |
William MUDGE, widower of this parish and Elizabeth MATT of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Richard LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD |
61 |
9-Jan-1803 |
M |
John MATT of this parish and Elizabeth WITTS of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Lawrence PIZZIE, Daniel LIDDIARD |
80 |
25-Dec-1803 |
C |
Ann MATT, dau of John and Elizabeth MATT |
10-Nov-1805 |
C |
Thomas MATT, son of John and Elizabeth MATT |