2-May-1790 |
C |
James SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD |
0 |
8-Apr-1792 |
C |
Benjamin SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD |
0 |
1-Feb-1795 |
C |
William SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD |
3-Apr-1795 |
B |
William SHEPHERD, son of James Shepherd |
28-Feb-1796 |
C |
Charles SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD |
29-Jul-1798 |
C |
Ambrose SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD |
17-Jan-1799 |
B |
Richard SHEPHERD |
19-Apr-1804 |
M |
John LAWRENCE of this parish and Rachel SHEPHERD of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas SHEPPARD, Mary SMITH |
97 |
4-Apr-1805 |
M |
John SHEPHERD of this parish and Ann RODBURN of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: William BARRETT, Elizabeth ALDRIDGE |
106 |
29-Dec-1805 |
C |
Mary SHEPHERD, dau of John and Mary SHEPHERD |
13-Apr-1807 |
B |
23-Sep-1808 |
B |
10-Aug-1810 |
C |
Ann SHEPHERD, dau of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPHERD |
25-Mar-1811 |
M |
James SHEPHERD of this parish and Ann DERHAM of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Mary SHEPHEARD, Daniel LIDDIARD |
148 |
29-Jul-1811 |
C |
William SHEPHERD, son of James and Ann SHEPHERD |
2-Dec-1813 |
B |
Catherine SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 86 by T. PRUEN |
20 |
7-Mar-1814 |
C |
Rachel SHEPHERD, dau of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, Farmer |
40 |
17-May-1815 |
B |
Ann SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 4 by T. PRUEN |
58 |
23-May-1815 |
B |
Rachel SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 1 by T. PRUEN |
61 |
21-May-1820 |
C |
Elizabeth SHEPPARD, dau of James and Anne SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Labourer |
319 |
21-Jan-1822 |
B |
Thomas SHEPHERD of Ramsbury, aged 40 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
229 |
8-Sep-1822 |
C |
Sarah SHEPHERD, dau of James and Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer |
427 |
8-Aug-1824 |
C |
Lucy SHEPHERD, dau of James and Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer |
517 |
23-Jan-1825 |
M |
Edward PHILLIPS of this parish, Schoolmaster and Anne SHEPHERD, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, Daniel LIDDIARD |
138 |
3-Jul-1825 |
B |
Lucy SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 11m by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
321 |
29-Dec-1825 |
M |
Charles SHEPHERD, young man of this parish and Marianne NASH, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: John WIND… [?], John BUNCE |
148 |
27-May-1827 |
C |
Lucy Anne SHEPHERD, dau of James and Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer |
640 |
18-Oct-1827 |
M |
Ambrose SHEPHERD, young man of this parish and Louisa STRATTON, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Mary SHEPHERD |
181 |
9-Dec-1827 |
B |
Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 7 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
379 |
23-Apr-1829 |
B |
John SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 76 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
412 |
2-Aug-1829 |
B |
Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 45 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
422 |
12-Oct-1829 |
C |
Benjamin SHEPHERD, son of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer |
754 |
2-Jan-1830 |
C |
George SHEPPARD, son of Charles and Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker |
764 |
1-May-1831 |
C |
Elizabeth SHEPPARD, dau of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Cotter |
826 |
11-Nov-1831 |
B |
Elisabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 82 by J. ASHE, Minister |
462 |
5-Jan-1834 |
C |
Thomas James SHEPPARD, son of Charles and Mary Ann SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker |
977 |
31-Aug-1834 |
C |
Sarah Ann SHEPHERD, dau of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1008 |
26-Nov-1834 |
M |
William SHEPPARD of this parish and Jane MOULDING of this parish - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Mary Ann MOULDING, Richard MOULDING |
270 |
20-Sep-1835 |
C |
Mary Ann SHEPPARD, dau of William and Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1066 |
25-Dec-1835 |
C |
Ann SHEPPARD, dau of James and Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1079 |
24-Jan-1836 |
C |
Mary Jane SHEPPERD, dau of Charles and Mary Ann SHEPPERD of Aldbourne, Cordwainer |
1092 |
17-Apr-1836 |
C |
Robert SHEPHERD, son of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Ostler |
1103 |
29-Jan-1837 |
C |
William SHEPPARD, son of William and Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1141 |
5-Feb-1837 |
B |
Martha SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 50 by J. SEAGRAM |
604 |
9-Feb-1837 |
B |
Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 14 by J. SEAGRAM |
605 |
16-Mar-1837 |
B |
Elizabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 84 by J. SEAGRAM |
614 |
17-Aug-1837 |
B |
Ann SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 2 by J. SEAGRAM |
629 |
6-May-1838 |
C |
Charles SHEPHERD, son of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1209 |
7-Jul-1839 |
C |
Ann SHEPHERD, dau of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1261 |
25-Mar-1840 |
B |
Ann SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 9m by J. SEAGRAM |
720 |
14-Feb-1841 |
C |
James SHEPHERD, son of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1357 |
9-Nov-1843 |
B |
George SHEPPARD of Bucklebury, aged 13 by J. SEAGRAM |
861 |
25-Feb-1844 |
C |
George SHEPPARD, son of William and Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker |
1513 |
31-Aug-1845 |
C |
Tom SHEPHERD, son of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker |
22 |
23-Jan-1846 |
B |
Tom SHEPHARD of Aldbourne, aged 5m by J. SEAGRAM |
923 |
4-Sep-1849 |
B |
Charles SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 52 by J. SEAGRAM |
1037 |
17-Mar-1793 |
M |
Alexander SHERMAN, Batchelor of this parish and Mary LIDDIARD, spinster of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: John SHEPHERD, Elizabeth WILLIS |
340 |
13-Nov-1796 |
C |
Mary SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
14-May-1799 |
C |
Ann SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
17-Nov-1801 |
C |
Alexander SHERMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
9-Oct-1804 |
C |
Judith SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
12-Oct-1804 |
B |
Judith SHERMAN, dau of Alexander Sherman |
30-Jul-1806 |
C |
Hannah SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
10-Sep-1809 |
C |
Thomas SHERMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
26-Mar-1812 |
C |
William SHERMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN |
23-Apr-1812 |
B |
William SHERMAN, son of Alexander Sherman |
20-Mar-1814 |
C |
Judith SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourn, Labourer |
44 |
12-Apr-1818 |
C |
Sarah SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
223 |
23-Apr-1821 |
M |
William DREW, Widower of this parish and Mary SHERMAN, spinster of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Stephen DREW [X] |
90 |
7-Dec-1823 |
M |
Alexander SHERMAN, young man of this parish and Mary BRIND, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Richard SEYER [X} |
125 |
27-Jan-1824 |
C |
Sarah SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
493 |
25-Dec-1825 |
C |
Amos SHERMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
570 |
24-May-1828 |
C |
Alexander SHERMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
680 |
8-Aug-1830 |
C |
Marianne SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
784 |
21-Apr-1833 |
C |
Thomas SHERMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
933 |
28-Dec-1833 |
B |
Thomas SHERMAN of Aldbourne, aged 8m by J. SEAGRAM |
518 |
27-Jul-1834 |
M |
Thomas SHERMAN of this parish and Harriet LIDDIARD of this parish - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Thomas HAWKINS [X], Daniel LIDDIARD |
264 |
25-Dec-1834 |
C |
George SHEARMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1021 |
1-Feb-1835 |
C |
Sarah SHERMAN, dau of Thomas and Harriet SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1028 |
29-Mar-1835 |
C |
Thomas SHEARMAN, son of Judith SHEARMAN of Aldbourne |
1041 |
5-Mar-1837 |
M |
John DEACON of this parish and Hannah SHEARMAN of this parish - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Thomas SHEARMAN [X], Richard BUNCE |
294 |
9-Apr-1837 |
C |
Miriam SHEARMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1150 |
10-Feb-1840 |
B |
Thomas SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, aged 7w by J. SEAGRAM |
715 |
23-Feb-1840 |
C |
Mary SHEARMAN, dau of Thomas and Harriett SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1304 |
19-Apr-1840 |
C |
Sarah SHEARMAN, dau of Judith SHEARMAN of Aldbourne |
1313 |
28-Mar-1841 |
C |
Edwin SHEARMAN, son of Alexander and Mary SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1362 |
2-Jun-1842 |
B |
Edwin John SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, aged 15m by F. WILLIAMSON |
793 |
9-Oct-1842 |
C |
Thomas SHEARMAN, son of Thomas and Harriet SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1438 |
23-Jul-1843 |
C |
Rachel SHERMAN, dau of Alexander and Mary SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1474 |
18-Feb-1844 |
C |
Edwin John SHERMAN, son of Sarah SHERMAN of Aldbourne |
1511 |
16-Mar-1844 |
B |
Edwin John SHERMAN of Aldbourne, aged 6w by J. SEAGRAM |
871 |
3-Feb-1845 |
B |
Thomas SHERMAN of Aldbourne, aged 35 by J. SEAGRAM |
899 |
12-Oct-1845 |
M |
John LIDDIARD, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of John LIDDIARD, Labourer and Sarah SHERMAN, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of Alexander SHERMAN, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Amos SHERMAN [X], Richard BUNCE |
84 |
9-Nov-1845 |
C |
Alexander SHERMAN, son of Thomas and Harriett SHERMAN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
30 |
27-Jul-1846 |
M |
Amos SHEARMAN, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Alexander SHEARMAN, Labourer and Ann BARRETT, Spinster, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of William BARRETT, Cordwainer - by Banns, [W.H. Newbolt is Revd Seagram's son-in-law] by W[illi]m H[enr]y NEWBOLT; Witnesses: Edward POCOCK [?], Richard BUNCE |
94 |
24-Jan-1847 |
B |
Mary SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, aged 72 by J. SEAGRAM |
964 |
1-Feb-1847 |
B |
Ann SHEARMAN of Aldbourne, aged 3w by J. SEAGRAM |
966 |
20-May-1848 |
M |
John DREW, Widower, aged 58 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Robert DREW, Labourer and Judith SHERMAN, Spinster, aged 34 of Aldbourne; dau of Alexander SHERMAN, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: John BOURTON [X], Richard BUNCE |
114 |
18-Jun-1842 |
M |
Seymour SHUNN, Bachelor, aged 27 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Seymour SHUNN, Labourer and Charlotte BARRETT, Spinster, aged 26 of Aldbourne; dau of Isaac BARRETT, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Martha BIDON [??], Mary SHUNN |
50 |
22-Dec-1844 |
C |
George SHUN, son of Seymour and Charlotte SHUN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1549 |
24-Oct-1847 |
C |
William SHUN, son of Seymour and Charlotte SHUN of Aldbourne, Labourer |
126 |
2-Feb-1848 |
B |
George SHUN of Aldbourne, aged 3 by J. SEAGRAM |
1002 |
23-Jul-1815 |
C |
James SHUTTLE, son of Joseph and Mary SHUTTLE of Little Bedwin |
96 |
17-Dec-1798 |
M |
John LIDDIARD of this parish and Sarah SIMS of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Sarah LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD |
46 |
11-Apr-1846 |
M |
Thomas LIDDIARD, Bachelor, aged 23 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Edward LIDDIARD, Labourer and Eliza SIMS, Spinster, aged 26 of Aldbourne; dau of Richard SIMS, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Henry GOULD, Eliza PAINE |
92 |
15-Oct-1827 |
M |
John ORCHARD, young man of this parish and Sarah SKIBBLEHORN, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: George PEARCE, Daniel LIDDIARD |
179 |
3-Jul-1809 |
C |
Mary SKINNER, dau of Margaret SKINNER, B.B. |
2-Apr-1839 |
B |
Joseph SLADE of Aldbourne, aged 83 by J. SEAGRAM |
692 |
4-Feb-1795 |
M |
John SLY, Batchelor of this parish and Elizabeth PURTON, spinster of the Parish of Bishopstone - by Licence by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Levi[?] PIZZIE, James WILSON |
358 |
16-Apr-1797 |
B |
John SLY, Publican |
16-Apr-1797 |
C |
Walter Warman SLY, son of Hannah SLY, B.B. |
7-May-1828 |
B |
Sarah SLY of Aldbourne, aged 83 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
389 |
10-Jul-1833 |
B |
Sarah SLY of Aldbourne, aged 74 by J. SEAGRAM |
506 |
5-Nov-1816 |
M |
Samuel SMALL, Bachelor of this parish and Charlotte GWYNN, spinster of this parish - by Banns with the consent of Parents by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Martha LIDDIARD, James BRIDGEMAN |
40 |
2-Nov-1839 |
M |
Thomas BATES, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Joseph BATES, Labourer and Ann SMALL, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of Samuel SMALL, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: David ROBINSON [X], Richard BUNCE |
22 |
12-Oct-1843 |
M |
George BAILEY, Bachelor, aged 22 of Aldbourne, Labourer and Sarah SMALL, Spinster, aged 26 of Aldbourne; dau of Samuel SMALL, Soldier - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Ann BATES [X], Richard BUNCE |
63 |
14-Jul-1844 |
C |
Charlotte SMALL, dau of Charlotte SMALL of Aldbourne |
1529 |
22-Jul-1790 |
B |
Thomas SMART of Ogbourne St Andrew |
3 |
23-Aug-1803 |
B |
Mary SMART |
31-Dec-1837 |
B |
Miriam SMART of Aldbourne, aged 86 by J. SEAGRAM |
648 |