10-Apr-1827 |
M |
Thomas SMOKER, young man of this parish and Frances LEADER, young woman of Baydon - by Banns, with a certificate of Banns being published by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: John ALLEN [X], Daniel LIDDIARD |
167 |
29-Oct-1801 |
M |
Thomas SOP of this parish and Elizabeth JONES of the same place - by Banns, duly published by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Sarah LAMBORNE [X], John BARRETT |
67 |
24-Apr-1844 |
B |
Thomas SOPP of Aldbourne, aged 74 by J. SEAGRAM |
877 |
27-Mar-1795 |
B |
George SOUTH |
25-Dec-1802 |
C |
Sarah SPACKMAN, dau of William and Lucy SPACKMAN |
25-Jul-1809 |
M |
Thomas John Savage SPACKMAN of the parish of St Stephens in the City of Bristol and Miriam Barrett HATT of this parish - by Licence with the consent of Guardians by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: John HATHERILL, Elizabeth SPANSWICK |
130 |
13-Oct-1827 |
M |
William SPACKMAN, young man of this parish and Christian CAVEY, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, William WALDRON [X] |
177 |
7-Apr-1834 |
M |
John TAYLOR of this parish and Amy SPACKMAN of this parish - by Banns by J. SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: George JEROME [X], Daniel LIDDIARD |
259 |
15-Feb-1843 |
M |
Thomas HATT, Bachelor, aged Full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William HATT, Mason and Sarah SPACKMAN, Widow, aged Full age of Aldbourne, Servant; dau of William JEFFRIES, Labourer - by Banns by F. WILLIAMSON, Off[iciatin]g Minister; Witnesses: Thomas LAMBOURNE, Richard BUNCE |
54 |
16-Aug-1803 |
M |
George SPANSWICK, widower of this parish and Elizabeth DREW of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: William FLOWER, Richard KENDRICK |
87 |
15-Jan-1804 |
C |
William SPANSWICK, son of George and Elizabeth SPANSWICK |
29-Apr-1805 |
C |
Hannah SPANSWICK, dau of George and Elizabeth SPANSWICK |
13-Sep-1807 |
C |
Jonathan SPANSWICK, son of George and Elizabeth SPANSWICK |
30-Jul-1810 |
C |
Maryanne SPANSWICK, dau of George and Elizabeth SPANSWICK |
30-Sep-1790 |
M |
Thomas ASHTON, aged a minor of Chilton, Wilts and Mary SPICER of the Parish of Aldbourn, Wilts - by Licence by James NEALE, Curate; Witnesses: Charles WENTWORTH, Daniel LIDDIARD |
3 |
316 |
19-Jul-1791 |
C |
Stephen SPICER, son of Richard and Mary SPICER |
0 |
3-Aug-1791 |
B |
Stephen SPICER, son of Richard Spicer |
0 |
17-Nov-1794 |
M |
Richard SPICER of this parish and Mary TAYLOR of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Martin PALMER, Daniel LIDDIARD |
352 |
4-Dec-1794 |
M |
John GWYNN of this parish and Sarah SPICER of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: John FRENCH, Elizabeth WILLIS |
355 |
26-Mar-1795 |
B |
Mary SPICER, wife of Richard Spicer |
5-Apr-1795 |
M |
Martin PALMER of this parish and Elizabeth SPICER of this parish - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: William COPLIN, Daniel LIDDIARD |
356 |
6-Mar-1796 |
C |
Thomas SPICER, son of Richard and Mary SPICER |
4-Jun-1797 |
C |
John SPICER, son of Richard and Mary SPICER |
10-Jun-1797 |
B |
John SPICER, son of Richard Spicer |
29-Jul-1798 |
C |
Mary SPICER, dau of Richard and Mary SPICER |
16-Feb-1800 |
C |
Richard SPICER, son of Richard and Mary SPICER |
11-Oct-1802 |
C |
John SPICER, son of Richard and Mary SPICER |
1-Mar-1804 |
B |
John SPICER, son of Richard Spicer |
8-Jun-1805 |
C |
Sarah SPICER, dau of Richard and Mary SPICER |
26-May-1806 |
M |
George DREW of this parish and Maria SPICER of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: George SPANSWICK, Daniel LIDDIARD |
114 |
24-Mar-1808 |
C |
Ann SPICER, dau of Richard and Mary SPICER |
24-Mar-1817 |
B |
Richard SPICER of Aldbourn, aged 78 by T. PRUEN |
104 |
5-Oct-1817 |
B |
Mary SPICER of Aldbourne, aged 2m by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
113 |
11-Oct-1817 |
M |
John SPICER, Widower of Hungerford, Berks and Hannah ALEXANDER, Widow of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, John WILTSHIRE |
45 |
3-Jun-1818 |
B |
Richard SPICER of Aldbourne, aged 48 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
131 |
2-Jan-1820 |
C |
Thomas SPICER, son of Mary SPICER of Aldbourne, Spinster, illegitimate B.B. |
294 |
15-May-1821 |
M |
William LAMBDIN, young man of this parish and Mary SPICER, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, Thomas PIKE |
91 |
26-Jun-1829 |
C |
Marianne SPICER, dau of Richard and Elizabeth SPICER of Aldbourne, Labourer |
735 |
5-Apr-1832 |
C |
Thomas SPICER, son of Richard and Elizabeth SPICER of Aldbourn, Labourer |
867 |
16-Apr-1832 |
B |
Thomas SPICER of Aldbourn, aged 10d by J. ASHE, Minister |
477 |
31-Mar-1833 |
C |
Thomas SPICER, son of Richard and Elizabeth SPICER of Aldbourn, Labourer |
930 |
23-Sep-1834 |
B |
Mary SPICER of Aldbourne, aged 60 by J. SEAGRAM |
538 |
1-Jun-1837 |
B |
Thomas SPICER of Lambourne, aged 4 by J. SEAGRAM |
622 |
28-Jan-1843 |
B |
John SPICER of Lambourne, aged 4 by J. SEAGRAM |
813 |
14-Mar-1844 |
B |
Henry SPICER of Lambourne, aged 2 by J. SEAGRAM |
870 |
4-May-1847 |
B |
Sarah SPICER of Aldbourne, aged 5w by J. SEAGRAM |
975 |
10-Oct-1838 |
M |
Stephen STACEY, Bachelor, aged 18 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Daniel STACEY, Labourer and Jane MUDGE, Spinster, aged 18 of Aldbourne; dau of James MUDGE, Barber - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Thomas MUDGE [X], Richard BUNCE |
11 |
24-Mar-1839 |
C |
Thomas STACEY, son of Stephen and Jane STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1249 |
21-Apr-1839 |
C |
Sarah STACEY, dau of James and Hannah STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1254 |
19-Sep-1841 |
C |
James STACEY, son of Stephen and Jane STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1388 |
26-Oct-1841 |
B |
James STACEY of Aldbourne, aged 2m by J. SEAGRAM |
772 |
6-Feb-1842 |
C |
Mary Ann STACEY, dau of James and Hannah STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1410 |
10-Dec-1843 |
C |
Edwin STACEY, son of Stephen and Jane STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1495 |
7-Apr-1844 |
C |
Henry James STACEY, son of James and Hannah STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
1516 |
20-Apr-1845 |
M |
Job STACEY, Bachelor, aged 19 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Daniel STACEY, Labourer and Sarah Matilda PEMBROKE, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of Charles PEMBROKE, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Adeline LAWRENCE, Richard BUNCE |
80 |
6-Sep-1846 |
C |
William STACEY, son of Job and Sarah Matilda STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
72 |
28-Feb-1847 |
C |
James STACEY, son of Stephen and Jane STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
100 |
26-Nov-1848 |
C |
Ann STACEY, dau of Job and Sarah Matilda STACEY of Aldbourne, Labourer |
175 |
12-Sep-1849 |
B |
James STACEY of Aldbourne, aged 2 by J. SEAGRAM |
1038 |
12-Oct-1807 |
M |
Edward STAGG of this parish and Sarah HOBBS of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Carolin COLLINS, James MUDGE |
119 |
5-Apr-1812 |
C |
Elizabeth STAGG, dau of Edward and Sarah STAGG |
15-Apr-1812 |
B |
Sarah STAGG, wife of Edward Stagg |
14-Oct-1820 |
M |
Edward STAG, young man of this parish and Mary ALLEN, young woman of Hungerford - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Mary TUMEN, Daniel LIDDIARD |
79 |
5-Aug-1825 |
C |
Richard STAGG, son of Edward and Mary STAGG of Aldbourne, Labourer |
553 |
25-Jan-1829 |
C |
William STAGG, son of Edward and Mary STAGG of Aldbourne, Labourer |
716 |
17-Dec-1831 |
B |
Sarah STAGGS of Aldbourn, aged 4m by J. ASHE, Minister |
464 |
28-Jul-1833 |
B |
Edward STAG of Aldbourne, aged 53 by J. SEAGRAM |
509 |
26-Dec-1840 |
B |
George Edward STAGG of Aldbourne, aged 3 by J. SEAGRAM |
744 |
6-Mar-1843 |
B |
Mary Ann STAG of Lambourne, aged 5m by J. SEAGRAM |
826 |
4-Apr-1845 |
B |
Martha STAGG of Lambourne, aged 9m by J. SEAGRAM |
904 |
1-Jun-1845 |
B |
Elizabeth STAGG of Lambourne, aged 33 by J. SEAGRAM |
907 |
24-Dec-1838 |
M |
George STANTIAL, Bachelor, aged 28 of Aldbourne, Blacksmith; son of Silas STANTIAL, Shoemaker and Maria DREW, Spinster, aged 22 of Aldbourne; dau of John DREW, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Charles CAR[T]ER, Elizabeth ORCHARD |
14 |
7-Jul-1839 |
C |
James STANTIAL, son of George and Maria STANTIAL of Aldbourne, Blacksmith |
1262 |
3-Nov-1839 |
B |
James STANTIAL of Aldbourne, aged 4m by J. SEAGRAM |
702 |
23-Jul-1843 |
M |
Thomas BOURTON, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William BOURTON, Labourer and Maria STANTIAL, Widow of Aldbourne; dau of John DREW, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: John DREW [X], Richard BUNCE |
61 |
2-Oct-1815 |
M |
John STEVENS, Bachelor of this parish and Jane GOULD, spinster of this parish - by Banns with the consent of Parents by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Jane ORCHARD, Daniel LIDDIARD |
26 |
20-Nov-1815 |
M |
Charles BELCHER, Bachelor of this parish and Sarah STEVENS, spinster of this parish - by Banns by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Margaret LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD |
29 |
8-Jan-1817 |
C |
Edward [John] STEVENS, son of John and Jane STEVENS of Ogborne St George, Labourer, [Child baptised "John", but marginal note says "Edward son of/instead of John son of/converted[?] Febry [?] 1817/T. Pruen/[???]//The child since died/See Int Reg No 96"] |
162 |
26-Jan-1817 |
B |
Edward STEVENS of Aldbourn or Ogbourn St George, aged 3w by T. PRUEN |
96 |
18-Jan-1832 |
M |
Richard Brown BUNCE of this parish and Sarah STEPHENS of Ramsbury - by Banns by Jonathan ASHE, Minister; Witnesses: John BUNN, Rachel Brown BUNCE |
225 |
15-Feb-1836 |
M |
John BARRETT of this parish and Mary STEEVENS of this parish - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Henry GOULD, Richard BUNCE |
284 |
14-Feb-1848 |
M |
Henry GOULD, Bachelor, aged 19 of Aldbourne, Tailor; son of Stephen GOULD, Willow Cutter and Jane STEVENS, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of John STEVENS, Labourer - by Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Stephen STEVENS, Richard BUNCE |
113 |
11-Oct-1827 |
M |
John PONTIN, young man of this parish and Maria STOCKER, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Thomas STOCKER [X] |
174 |
20-Feb-1791 |
C |
Mary STOTER, dau of Thomas and Hannah STOTER, [Should the name be SLATER??] |
3 |
27-Oct-1793 |
C |
Thomas STOTER, son of Thomas and Hannah STOTER of of Baydon |
3 |
20-Apr-1794 |
C |
John STOTER, son of Simon and Mary STOTER of of Baydon |
3 |
4-Feb-1795 |
B |
John STOTER of Baydon |
20-Apr-1795 |
B |
John STOTER, son of Simon Stoter |
22-Nov-1795 |
C |
Mary STOTER, dau of Simon and Mary STOTER |
25-Jan-1796 |
B |
Thomas STOTER, son of Thomas Stoter of Baydon |
28-Nov-1796 |
C |
Hannah STOTER, dau of Thomas and Hannah STOTER of of Baydon |
1-Apr-1798 |
C |
John STOTER, son of Simon and Mary STOTER |
16-Sep-1801 |
B |
Martha STOTTER, widow |
15-Nov-1801 |
C |
Martha STOTTER, dau of Simon and Mary STOTTER |
25-Nov-1804 |
C |
Elizabeth STOTTER, dau of Simon and Mary STOTTER |
5-Jan-1806 |
C |
Thomas STOTTER, son of Thomas and Hannah STOTTER |
16-Dec-1806 |
B |
Thomas STOTTER, son of Thomas Stotter |
18-May-1807 |
C |
Thomas STOTTER, son of Simon and Mary STOTTER |
26-Mar-1808 |
B |
Thomas STOTTER, son of Simon Stotter |
5-Feb-1809 |
C |
William STOTTER, son of Simon and Mary STOTTER |
21-Jul-1811 |
C |
Miriam STOTTER, dau of Simon and Mary STOTTER |
12-Dec-1813 |
C |
James STOTTER, son of Deborah STOTTER of Ford, Baydon Parish, Single Woman, Base born |
29 |
29-Jan-1815 |
C |
Thomas STOTTER, son of Mary STOTTER of Aldbourn, Single Woman, B. B. |
79 |
10-Jun-1818 |
B |
Simon STOTTER of Aldbourne, aged 55 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
133 |
18-Nov-1827 |
B |
John STOTTER of Baydon, aged 79 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
376 |
16-Jun-1829 |
B |
Hannah STOTTER of Baydon, aged 71 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister |
419 |
16-Sep-1838 |
B |
Thomas STOTTER of Aldbourne or Baydon, aged 82 by J. SEAGRAM |
682 |
1-Sep-1793 |
C |
Robert STRANGE, son of Robert and Sarah STRANGE |
3 |
27-Jun-1803 |
M |
John ROSE of this parish and Mary STRANGE of the same place - by Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Mary SMITH, Mary BRIND |
84 |
15-Jun-1826 |
M |
John STRATFORD, young man of Ramsbury, Wilts and Mary Anne IVY, spinster of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Charles PEMBROKE [X] |
154 |
18-Oct-1827 |
M |
Ambrose SHEPHERD, young man of this parish and Louisa STRATTON, young woman of this parish - by Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Mary SHEPHERD |
181 |