26-Jun-1659 | B | John BARRETT | | |
2-Oct-1704 | M | Edmund BARRETT of Alborne and Joan SHEPHERD of Alborne | | |
7-Oct-1705 | C | William BARRETT, son of Edmund and Joan BARRETT | | |
28-Dec-1707 | C | Richard BARRETT, son of Edmund and Joan BARRETT | | |
27-Aug-1710 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Edmund and Joan BARRETT | | |
5-Nov-1713 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of Edmund and Joan BARRETT | | |
24-Feb-1716/17 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Edmund and Joan BARRETT | | |
Apr-1717 | B | Mary BARRETT, the daughter of Edmund Barrett [Aff't Rec'd] | | |
7-Sep-1718 | C | Steven BARRETT, son of Edmund and Joan BARRETT | | |
15-Apr-1722 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Edward and Joan BARRETT | | |
16-Aug-1725 | M | William BARRAT of Alborn and Mary TOMSON of Alborn | | |
22-May-1726 | C | Mary BARRET, daughter of William and Mary BARRET | | |
22-Mar-1727/28 | C | William BARRET, son of William and Mary BARRET | | |
20-May-1730 | M | William KING and Mary BARRET of Ashbury | | |
9-Aug-1730 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of W[illia]m and Mary BARRETT | | |
20-Aug-1731 | B | Edmund BARRETT [Aff't Rec'd] | | |
19-Nov-1732 | C | Margaret BARRETT, daughter of W[illia]m and Mary BARRETT | | |
9-Dec-1734 | B | Elizabeth BARRET, daughter of W[illia]m Barret | | |
6-Apr-1735 | C | Anthony BARRET, son of W[illia]m and Mary BARRET | | |
6-Nov-1737 | C | Francis BARRET, son of W[illia]m and Mary BARRET | | |
24-Aug-1738 | B | Joan BARRETT | | |
9-Oct-1738 | M | Charles BARRETT and Rachel VOYMAK [date] | | |
20-Jul-1740 | C | Elizabeth BARRET, daughter of Will[ia]m and Mary BARRET | | |
29-Mar-1741 | M | [Stephen] BARRET of Aldbourn and Sarah STOTTER of Aldbourn [first word & very faint] | | |
20-Dec-1741 | C | Edmund BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
27-Aug-1743 | C | Thomas BARRET, son of Will[ia]m and Mary BARRET | | |
9-Oct-1743 | C | Stephen BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
12-Jun-1748 | C | Thomas BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
30-Mar-1752 | M | John MUDGE and Mary BARRETT | | |
9-Jan-1753 | M | W[illia]m BARRETT and Alice FISHER | | |
18-Nov-1753 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of W[illia]m and Alice BARRETT | | |
17-Feb-1754 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of Stephen and Sarah BARRETT | | |
22-Nov-1756 | C | Eliz[abeth] BARRET, daughter of Wil[lia]m and Alice BARRET | | |
16-Jun-1758 | B | Rich[ar]d BARRETT | | |
8-Aug-1758 | B | Mary BARRETT, d[aughte]r of W[illia]m Barrett | | |
18-Jun-1759 | B | Mary BARRETT, wife of Will[ia]m Barrett | | |
9-Sep-1759 | C | Will[ia]m BARRETT, son of Step[he]n and Sarah BARRETT | | |
7-Oct-1759 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Will[ia]m and Alice BARRETT | | |
30-Jun-1760 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
3-Jul-1760 | B | Mary BARRETT, d[aughte]r of Francis Barret | | |
21-Sep-1760 | M | Anthony BARRETT of this parish and Mary LIDDIARD of this parish - after Banns by R[ichar]d POCOCKE, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, William PERKINS [X] | 38 | |
4-Jan-1761 | M | John BARRETT of this parish and Margaret MILES of this parish - after Banns by R[ichar]d POCOCKE, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, John SMITH | 40 | |
30-Apr-1761 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
7-Mar-1762 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
31-Oct-1762 | C | William BARRET, son of William and Alice BARRET | | |
12-Jun-1763 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of J[oh]n and Margaret BARRETT | | |
24-Aug-1763 | C | Elizabeth BARRET, daughter of Fran[cis] and Mary BARRET | | |
13-Nov-1763 | C | Margarett BARRETT, daughter of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
26-Dec-1763 | M | Edward BARRETT, single man of Great Bedwin, Wiltshire and Naomi VOWLER of this parish - by Licence by R[ichar]d GARRARD; Witnesses: William BACON, John FRENCH | 74 | |
25-Oct-1764 | M | Edmond BARRETT, single man, aged 29 of this parish and Dennis POVEY, spinster, aged 23 of this parish - after Banns by Cal. COLTON, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Mary DENLY | 83 | |
24-Feb-1765 | C | Alice BARRETT, daughter of William and Alice BARRETT | | |
17-Mar-1765 | C | Ann BARRETT, daughter of John and Margaret BARRETT | | |
19-May-1765 | C | William BARRETT, son of Edm[un]d and Dennis BARRETT | | |
11-Jun-1765 | B | Mary BARRETT, the wife of Anthony Barrett | | |
17-Nov-1765 | C | Francis BARRETT, son of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
10-Feb-1766 | M | Thomas VOKINS, single man of this parish and Elizabeth BARRETT, single woman of this parish - after Banns by B. COLTON, Minister; Witnesses: B. COLTON, Thomas LIDDIARD | 98 | |
2-Oct-1766 | B | Mary BARRET, dau[ghte]r of Francis Barret | | |
20-Oct-1766 | B | Tho[ma]s BARRET, son of William Barret | | |
25-Jan-1767 | C | Mary BARRET, daughter of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
22-Feb-1767 | C | Thomas BARRET, son of W[illia]m and Alice BARRET | | |
19-Oct-1767 | M | Stephen BARRET of this parish, labourer and Sarah DASH, spinster of this parish - after Banns by R[ichar]d GARRARD, Vicar of Ramsbury; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD | 118 | |
25-Dec-1767 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
24-Jul-1768 | C | John BARRETT, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRETT | | |
12-Mar-1769 | C | William BARRET, son of John and Margarett BARRET | | |
14-May-1769 | C | Benjamin BARRET, son of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
19-Nov-1769 | C | Anthony BARRET, son of William and Alice BARRET | | |
2-Apr-1770 | M | Anthony BARRETT, Widower of this parish and Mary LUDLOW, single woman of this parish - after Banns by Cal. COLTON, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Sarah SMART | 140 | |
8-Apr-1770 | C | Stephen BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
6-May-1770 | C | William BARRETT, son of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
8-Jul-1770 | B | William BARRET, son of Francis Barret | | |
15-Jul-1770 | C | Anthony BARRET, son of Anthony and Mary BARRET | | |
5-Aug-1770 | B | Stephen BARRET, son of Stephen Barret | | |
2-May-1771 | C | William BARRET, son of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
2-Jun-1771 | C | Mary BARRET, daughter of John and Margaret BARRET | | |
25-Aug-1771 | C | Thomas BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
22-Dec-1771 | C | Elizabeth BARRET, daughter of Anthony and Mary BARRET | | |
9-Feb-1772 | C | Edmund BARRET, son of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
22-Aug-1773 | C | Margaret BARRET, daughter of William and Alice BARRET | | |
6-Mar-1774 | C | Robert BARRET, son of John and Margaret BARRET | | |
13-Mar-1774 | C | Ann BARRET, daughter of Anthony and Mary BARRET | | |
3-Apr-1774 | C | Elizabeth BARRET, daughter of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
3-Jul-1774 | C | Meriam BARRET, daughter of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
21-Aug-1774 | C | John BARRET, son of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
3-Nov-1774 | B | Margaret BARRET, d[aughte]r of William Barret | | |
23-Nov-1774 | B | William BARRET, son of Francis Barret | | |
7-Apr-1776 | C | Mary BARRET, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
13-Jul-1776 | M | William BARRETT, Batchelor of this parish and Elizabeth SMITH, spinster of this parish - by Licence by James NEALE, Curate; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Mary GWYNN [X] | 186 | |
22-Sep-1776 | C | William BARRET, son of Anthony and Mary BARRET | | |
17-Nov-1776 | C | Thomas BARRET, son of John and Margaret BARRET | | |
19-Jan-1777 | C | Jane BARRET, daughter of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
23-Feb-1777 | C | Stephen BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
26-Apr-1778 | C | William BARRET, son of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
15-Feb-1779 | M | Thomas LAWRENCE, Batchelor of this parish and Margaret BARRET, spinster of this parish - after Banns by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, James MUDGE | 210 | |
3-Mar-1779 | B | Robert BARRET, son of John Barret | | |
2-May-1779 | C | Sarah BARRET, daughter of John and Margaret BARRET | | |
2-Jan-1780 | C | Thomas BARRET, son of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
18-Feb-1780 | C | William BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET | | |
25-Jun-1780 | C | Margaret BARRET, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
25-Jun-1780 | C | Judith BARRET, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
12-Feb-1781 | B | Margaret BARRET, daug[the]r of Francis Barret | | |
21-Feb-1781 | M | John PIZZIE, Batchelor of Parish of [East] Kennet and Sarah BARRET, spinster of this parish - after Bannsby James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, John FEAR | 226 | |
27-Feb-1781 | B | Judith BARRET, daug[the]r of Francis Barret | | |
17-Jun-1781 | C | Stephen BARRET, son of William and Elizabeth BARRET | | |
28-Jul-1781 | M | John HAINS, Batchelor of this parish and Elizabeth BARRET, spinster of this parish - after Banns by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, John MUDGE | 230 | |
19-Aug-1781 | B | William BARRET | | |
3-Feb-1782 | C | Meriam BARRET, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRET | | |
17-Mar-1782 | C | Lettice BARRET, daughter of Edmund and Dennis BARRET | | |
19-Oct-1782 | B | Benjam BARRET, son of Edmund Barret | | |
18-Nov-1784 | M | William FARMER, Batchelor of this parish and Ann BARRET, spinster of this parish - after Banns by James NEALE; Witnesses: Caleb PIZZIE, Thomas LIDDIARD [Tax: 3d] | 262 | |
30-Jan-1785 | C | Amos BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
13-Mar-1785 | C | Stephen BARRET, son of Edmund and Dennis BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
2-Jun-1786 | C | Martha BARRET, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
6-Jan-1788 | C | Isaac BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
7-Jul-1788 | M | John BARRET of this parish and Ann CRUSE of this parish - after Banns, [Entry is for John BARRET, but signature is ""Mark of John HATT""] by James NEALE; Witnesses: W[illia]m LAWRENCE, Sarah GWYN [Tax: 3d] | 294 | |
19-Apr-1789 | B | Hatt BARRET, base born of Mary Barret [Tax: 3d] | | |
10-Jun-1789 | M | Thomas BARRET, Batchelor of this parish and Martha LIDDIARD of this parish - after Banns by James NEALE, Minister; Witnesses: John GOULD, Daniel LIDDIARD [Tax: 3d] | 303 | |
10-Jul-1789 | B | Sarah BARRET, of Upham [Tax: 3d] | | |
25-Oct-1789 | C | Miriam BARRET, daughter of John Hatt and Ann BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
22-Nov-1789 | C | Edward BARRET, son of Thomas and Martha BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
26-Jul-1790 | M | Francis BARRET of this parish and Mary BARRET of this parish - after Banns by James NEALE, Minister; Witnesses: John MUDGE, Daniel LIDDIARD [Tax: 3d] | 314 | |
26-Jul-1790 | M | Francis BARRET of this parish and Mary BARRET of this parish - after Banns by James NEALE, Minister; Witnesses: John MUDGE, Daniel LIDDIARD [Tax: 3d] | 314 | |
3-Jan-1791 | C | Mary BARRET, daughter of Thomas and Martha BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
30-Jan-1791 | B | William BARRET [Tax: 0d] | | |
8-Apr-1791 | B | Mary BARRET, daughter of Thomas Barret [Tax: 3d] | | |
30-Jul-1791 | C | William BARRET, son of Francis and Mary BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
27-Aug-1791 | M | Thomas BARRET and Mary LAWRENCE of Aldbourne by Licence | | | |
25-Sep-1791 | C | Mary BARRET, daughter of Elizabeth BARRET, Base born [Tax: 3d] | | |
3-Feb-1792 | C | William BARRET, son of Mary BARRET, a bastard son [Tax: 0d] | | |
29-Feb-1792 | B | William BARRET, base son of Mary Barret [Tax: 0d] | | |
29-Apr-1792 | C | Francis BARRET, son of Thomas and Martha BARRET [Tax: 3d] | | |
8-Jun-1792 | B | Elizabeth BARRET, daughter of Edmund Barret [Tax: 0d] | | |
15-Aug-1792 | B | Martha BARRET, wife of Thomas Barret [Tax: 0d] | | |
3-Sep-1792 | B | Francis BARRET, son of Thomas Barret [Tax: 0d] | | |
5-Mar-1793 | M | John GOULD, widower of this parish and Mary BARRET, spinster of the same parish of Aldbourn - by Licence by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, William TITCOMBE | 341 | |
4-Jun-1793 | M | Thomas BARRETT, widower of this parish and Susanna GWYNN, spinster of this parish - by Licence with the consent of the Father by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, William LAWRENCE | 342 | |
29-Dec-1793 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of Thomas and Susanna BARRETT [Tax: 3d] | | |
25-Jun-1794 | B | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Francis Barrett [Tax: 0d] | | |
7-Jun-1795 | C | Francis BARRETT, son of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
19-Jun-1795 | B | Jane BARRETT, daughter of Edmund Barrett | | |
14-Jan-1796 | M | William POWELL of Baydon, Wilts and Ann BARRET of this parish - after Banns, an extract from the other parish being produced by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Anthony BARRET, Daniel LIDDIARD | 10 | |
9-Oct-1796 | M | Anthony BARRET, Batchelor of this parish and Mary MATT, widow of this parish - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Joseph LUDLOW, Daniel LIDDIARD | 18 | |
23-Oct-1796 | M | John COXHEAD of this parish and Miriam BARRETT of this parish - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: William YEOMANS, Daniel LIDDIARD | 19 | |
20-Aug-1797 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
19-Nov-1797 | C | William BARRETT, son of Thomas and Susannah BARRETT | | |
18-Feb-1798 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
9-May-1798 | B | Susanna BARRETT, wife of Thomas Barrett | | |
10-Jun-1798 | M | Thomas BARRETT of this parish and Mary COLEMAN of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Sarah LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD | 40 | |
9-Jul-1798 | B | William BARRETT, son of Thomas Barrett | | |
19-Aug-1798 | C | Ann BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Sarah BARRETT | | |
19-Nov-1798 | M | John BARRETT of this parish and Hesther BRIDGEMAN of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Mar[y] BARRETT, Miriam BARRETT | 44 | |
25-Aug-1799 | C | William BARRETT, son of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
11-Jan-1801 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Francis and Mary BARRETT | | |
21-Feb-1802 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
28-May-1802 | B | Stephen BARRETT, son of Edmund Barrett | | |
14-Jun-1802 | M | William BARRETT of this parish and Rachel PAINTON of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, Miriam BARRETT | 70 | |
27-Dec-1802 | M | Thomas BARRETT, widower of this parish and Jane LIDDIARD of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: William BARRETT, Miriam BARRETT | 79 | |
3-Jan-1803 | C | Hannah BARRETT, daughter of William and Rachel BARRETT | | |
17-Jan-1803 | B | Hannah BARRETT, dau of William Barrett | | |
26-Feb-1803 | C | John BARRETT, son of John and Hester BARRETT | | |
24-Jul-1803 | C | Judith BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Jane BARRETT | | |
16-Oct-1803 | C | John BARRETT, son of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
31-Oct-1803 | M | William BARRETT of this parish and Mary VOCKINS of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: John COXHEAD, Daniel LIDDIARD | 90 | |
7-Jun-1804 | M | Stephen BARRETT of Chilton and Ann COX of this parish - after Banns, (certificate being sent from Chilton) by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Hannah LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD | 99 | |
29-Jul-1804 | M | Thomas BARRETT, widower of this parish and Mary BRAXTON of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: John COXHEAD [X], Daniel LIDDIARD | 100 | |
5-Aug-1804 | C | Anna Maria BARRETT, daughter of William and Mary BARRETT | | |
19-Aug-1804 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of Stephen and Ann BARRETT | | |
14-Mar-1805 | C | Miriam BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Mary BARRETT | | |
21-Mar-1805 | B | Miriam BARRETT, dau of Thomas Barrett | | |
17-Nov-1805 | C | John BARRETT, son of Thomas and Jane BARRETT | | |
11-May-1806 | C | George BARRETT, son of William and Mary BARRETT | | |
15-Jun-1806 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Anthony and Mary BARRETT | | |
24-Aug-1806 | C | Hannah BARRETT, daughter of William and Rachel BARRETT | | |
7-Sep-1806 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of John and Hester BARRETT | | |
5-Oct-1806 | C | John BARRETT, son of Stephen and Ann BARRETT | | |
12-Nov-1806 | B | John BARRETT, son of Thomas Barrett | | |
28-Jan-1807 | M | Amos BARRETT of this parish and Miriam BRIND of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: John COXHEAD [X], Daniel LIDDIARD | 117 | |
13-Jun-1807 | B | Alice BARRETT, widow | | |
10-Jan-1808 | C | George BARRETT, son of Amos and Miriam BARRETT | | |
20-Mar-1808 | C | Stephen BARRETT, son of William and Mary BARRETT | | |
19-Apr-1808 | B | Thomas BARRETT | | |
9-Feb-1809 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of John and Esther BARRETT | | |
2-Apr-1809 | C | Job BARRETT, son of William and Rachel BARRETT | | |
20-Sep-1809 | C | John BARRETT, son of Thomas and Jane BARRETT | | |
26-Nov-1809 | M | Isaac BARRETT of this parish and Sarah VOCKINS of the same place - after Banns by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: John COXHEAD [X], Daniel LIDDIARD | 135 | |
13-Dec-1809 | B | Stephen BARRETT | | |
27-May-1810 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of Amos and Miriam BARRETT | | |
8-Sep-1811 | C | Rachel BARRETT, daughter of William and Rachel BARRETT | | |
1-Dec-1811 | C | James BARRETT, son of John and Esther BARRETT | | |
27-Sep-1812 | C | Charlotte BARRETT, daughter of Isaac and Sarah BARRETT | | |
18-Apr-1813 | M | Henry PAINTON, Bachelor of this parish and Miriam BARRETT of this parish - after Banns by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Mary ROBINSON, William BARRETT | 5 | |
24-Oct-1813 | M | William FOWLER, Bachelor of this parish and Elizabeth BARRETT, spinster of Chipping Lamborne[sic] - after Banns by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Stephen FOWLER, Daniel LIDDIARD | 11 | |
11-Feb-1814 | B | Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourn, aged 2y5m by T. PRUEN | 29 | |
29-May-1814 | C | James BARRETT, son of William and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourn, Labourer | 59 | |
14-Aug-1814 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of John and Esther BARRETT of Aldbourn, Weaver | 69 | |
13-Nov-1814 | C | George BARRETT, son of Isaac and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourn, Labourer | 72 | |
10-Jan-1815 | B | Francis BARRETT of Aldbourn, aged 77 by T. PRUEN | 47 | |
6-May-1815 | B | Dennis BARRETT, Wife of Edmund BARRETT of Aldbourn, aged 74 by T. PRUEN | 56 | |
5-Nov-1815 | B | Edmund BARRETT of Aldbourn or, aged 74 by T. PRUEN | 71 | |
14-May-1816 | M | George STROUD, Bachelor of this parish and Ann BARRETT, single woman of this parish - after Banns by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Ann HATT, Daniel LIDDIARD | 36 | |
6-Apr-1817 | C | George BARRETT, son of John and Hester BARRETT of Aldbourn, Weaver | 172 | |
7-Aug-1817 | C | George BARRETT, son of William and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourn, Weaver | 189 | |
10-Sep-1817 | B | Sarah BARRETT, (73 years on the coffin) of Aldbourne, aged 73 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 111 | |
30-Aug-1818 | C | John BARRETT, son of Isaac and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 237 | |
10-Feb-1819 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 84 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 146 | |
3-May-1819 | C | William BARRETT, son of John and Hester BARRETT of Aldbourne, Weaver | 267 | |
21-May-1819 | B | Mary BARRETT of Baydon, aged 50 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 156 | |
9-Nov-1819 | C | Miriam BARRETT, daughter of Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Spinster, illegitimate | 289 | |
25-Dec-1819 | C | John BARRETT, son of William and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, Weaver | 292 | |
5-Oct-1820 | B | John BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 10m by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 189 | |
25-Feb-1821 | C | John BARRETT, son of William and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 354 | |
16-Jul-1821 | C | John BARRETT, son of William and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 375 | |
16-Jul-1821 | C | Rachel BARRETT, daughter of William and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 376 | |
18-Jul-1821 | B | John BARRETT of Snap, Aldbourne, aged 3d by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 210 | |
31-Jul-1821 | B | John BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 7m by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 213 | |
22-Nov-1821 | M | Thomas BARRETT, young man of Lambourne, County of Berks and Mary KINGSTON, young woman of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas BRIND, Daniel LIDDIARD | 98 | |
5-May-1822 | C | Amos BARRETT, son of John and Hester BARRETT of Aldbourne, Weaver | 410 | |
17-Jul-1822 | B | Amos BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 3m by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 242 | |
29-Aug-1822 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Mary BARRETT of Stock Close, Aldbourne, Labourer | 425 | |
23-Dec-1822 | M | Thomas BRIND, young man of this parish and Mary BARRETT, spinster of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, John BARRETT [X] | 109 | |
22-Oct-1823 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 84 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 279 | |
20-Apr-1824 | M | William BARRETT, young man of this parish and Elizabeth TURNER, spinster of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas DIXON, Elizabeth BARRETT, Daniel LIDDIARD | 128 | |
16-May-1824 | C | Eliza BARRETT, daughter of William and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, Weaver | 504 | |
11-Jul-1824 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of William and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 512 | |
16-Aug-1824 | C | James BARRETT, son of William and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 518 | |
10-Dec-1824 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 531 | |
25-Dec-1824 | M | Thomas BRIND, Widower of this parish and Sarah BARRETT, spinster of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, Daniel LIDDIARD | 135 | |
9-Feb-1825 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 30 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 311 | |
31-Oct-1825 | M | William BARRETT, young man of this parish and Elizabeth CHALLICE, Widow of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, James BRIDGEMAN | 144 | |
23-Jul-1826 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of William and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Weaver | 596 | |
2-Oct-1826 | C | Joseph BARRETT, son of William and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shoemaker | 608 | |
25-Nov-1826 | B | Joseph BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 7w by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 352 | |
8-Jan-1827 | M | Thomas BARRETT, young man of this parish and Susannah NEWMAN, young woman of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, John BARRETT | 163 | |
13-Jan-1827 | B | William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 64 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 357 | |
13-Feb-1827 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 60 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 358 | |
12-Mar-1827 | C | George BARRETT, son of Thomas and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 628 | |
12-Mar-1827 | C | John BARRETT, son of Thomas and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 629 | |
25-Mar-1827 | B | Anne BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 57 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 359 | |
17-Oct-1827 | M | John BARRETT, young man of this parish and Sarah BRIND, Widow of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas BARRETT, Sarah ELLIOTT | 180 | |
17-Dec-1827 | C | Henry BARRETT, son of Thomas and Susanna BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 660 | |
4-Jan-1828 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of William and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shoemaker | 661 | |
18-Jun-1828 | C | Francis BARRETT, son of William and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 687 | |
27-Jun-1828 | B | Job BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 20 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 392 | |
25-Aug-1828 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of John and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 697 | |
20-Oct-1828 | M | John BARRETT, young man of this parish and Eve MILLS, spinster of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas BRIND, Daniel LIDDIARD | 197 | |
20-Jun-1829 | M | George BARRETT, young man of this parish and Sarah ROBINSON, spinster of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: William BARRETT, Daniel LIDDIARD | 202 | |
26-Jul-1829 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 737 | |
23-Aug-1829 | M | Thomas LAMBOURN, young man of this parish and Jane BARRETT [alias HATT], Widow of this parish - after Banns by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Mary ANGEL, Daniel LIDDIARD | 204 | |
29-Nov-1829 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of Thomas and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 759 | |
24-Feb-1830 | B | Anthony BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 59 by M. WILLIAMS, Minister | 429 | |
12-Sep-1830 | C | James BARRETT, son of Thomas and Susanna BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 789 | |
25-Mar-1831 | C | Jane BARRETT, daughter of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 824 | |
12-Jun-1831 | C | William BARRETT, son of Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Single Woman, Illegitimate B.B. | 830 | |
24-Nov-1831 | B | Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourn, aged 59 by J. ASHE, Minister | 463 | |
25-Jan-1832 | M | Thomas BARRETT of this parish and Sarah HAYNES of this parish - after Banns by Jonathan ASHE, Minister; Witnesses: William FARMER, John BARRETT | 226 | |
30-Jun-1832 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourn, Carter | 882 | |
11-Jan-1833 | C | George BARRETT, son of Thomas and Susanah BARRETT of Aldbourn, Labourer | 910 | |
15-Feb-1833 | C | Rebecca BARRETT, daughter of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourn, Labourer | 918 | |
23-Jun-1833 | B | William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 14 by J. SEAGRAM | 503 | |
25-May-1834 | C | Anthony BARRETT, son of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 995 | |
29-May-1834 | M | James BARRETT of this parish and Elizabeth BENNET of this parish - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: William BENNETT, Daniel LIDDIARD | 262 | |
10-Aug-1834 | C | Amos BARRETT, son of Thomas and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1005 | |
8-Feb-1835 | C | Susanna BARRETT, daughter of George and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1029 | |
28-May-1835 | B | William BARRET of Aldbourne, aged 56 by J. SEAGRAM | 553 | |
4-Jul-1835 | B | Anthony BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 1 by J. SEAGRAM | 558 | |
26-Jul-1835 | M | Stephen PALMER of this parish and Mary BARRETT of this parish - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Mary PALMER [X], Richard Brown BUNCE | 277 | |
30-Jan-1836 | M | George BARRETT of this parish and Mary BRIND of this parish - after Banns by J. SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Mary BRIDGEMAN, Elizabeth BUDGEN [??] | 282 | |
15-Feb-1836 | M | John BARRETT of this parish and Mary STEEVENS of this parish - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Henry GOULD, Richard BUNCE | 284 | |
27-Mar-1836 | C | Miriam BARRETT, daughter of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1100 | |
7-Aug-1836 | C | George BARRETT, son of Thomas and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 1118 | |
1-Feb-1837 | B | Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 58 by J. SEAGRAM | 602 | |
5-Mar-1837 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of George and Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1147 | |
31-Mar-1837 | B | William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 3d by J. SEAGRAM | 617 | |
11-Apr-1837 | B | Thomas BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 3d by J. SEAGRAM | 618 | |
27-Dec-1837 | B | Susannah BARRETT of Chiseldon, aged 3 by J. SEAGRAM | 645 | |
6-Feb-1838 | B | Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 44 by J. SEAGRAM | 655 | |
10-Mar-1838 | B | George BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 19m by J. SEAGRAM | 660 | |
23-May-1838 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 19 by J. SEAGRAM | 670 | |
23-May-1838 | B | Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 10w by J. SEAGRAM | 671 | |
1-Jun-1838 | B | George BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 21 by J. SEAGRAM | 672 | |
1-Jul-1838 | C | George BARRETT, son of Stephen and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 1217 | |
29-Jul-1838 | C | William BARRETT, son of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 1220 | |
31-Jul-1838 | C | Emma BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 1222 | |
23-Sep-1838 | M | John BARRETT, Widower, aged 29 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas BARRETT, Labourer and Mary BARRETT, Widow, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas BRIND, Labourer - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Elizabeth BRIDGEMAN, George BRIND | 10 | |
23-Sep-1838 | M | John BARRETT, Widower, aged 29 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas BARRETT, Labourer and Mary BARRETT, Widow, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas BRIND, Labourer - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Elizabeth BRIDGEMAN, George BRIND | 10 | |
20-Oct-1839 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1275 | |
24-Mar-1840 | M | George BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 23 of Aldbourne, Carrier; son of William BARRETT, Weaver and Sarah NEW, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of Charles NEW, Miller - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: James BARRETT, Richard BUNCE | 29 | |
19-Jul-1840 | C | William BARRETT, son of George and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Carrier | 1328 | |
28-Aug-1840 | B | William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 36 by J. SEAGRAM | 733 | |
25-Dec-1841 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1396 | |
26-Dec-1841 | C | Edmund BARRETT, son of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 1398 | |
18-Jun-1842 | M | Seymour SHUNN, Bachelor, aged 27 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Seymour SHUNN, Labourer and Charlotte BARRETT, Spinster, aged 26 of Aldbourne; dau of Isaac BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Martha BIDON [??], Mary SHUNN | 50 | |
15-Jan-1843 | B | Francis BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 77 by J. SEAGRAM | 810 | |
16-Mar-1843 | B | Ester BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 65 by J. SEAGRAM | 828 | |
16-Apr-1843 | C | James BARRETT, son of George and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Carrier | 1460 | |
15-May-1843 | B | James BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 7w by J. SEAGRAM | 840 | |
3-Dec-1843 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 1493 | |
7-Jan-1844 | C | Jane BARRETT, daughter of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1506 | |
1-Sep-1844 | B | Thomas BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 14 by J. SEAGRAM | 880 | |
11-Nov-1844 | M | Noah DOBSON, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Jeremiah DOBSON, Labourer and Rachel BARRETT, Spinster, aged 25 of Aldbourne; dau of William BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: John PEARCE, Richard BUNCE | 76 | |
24-Nov-1844 | C | Eliza BARRETT, daughter of George and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 1546 | |
1-Mar-1846 | C | John Henry BARRETT, son of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 45 | |
21-Jun-1846 | C | Thomas John BARRETT, son of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 61 | |
4-Jul-1846 | B | Anthony BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 76 by J. SEAGRAM | 942 | |
27-Jul-1846 | M | Amos SHEARMAN, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Alexander SHEARMAN, Labourer and Ann BARRETT, Spinster, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of William BARRETT, Cordwainer - after Banns, [W.H. Newbolt is Revd Seagram's son-in-law] by W[illia]m H[enr]y NEWBOLT; Witnesses: Edward POCOCK [?], Richard BUNCE | 94 | |
28-Oct-1846 | B | Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 40 by J. SEAGRAM | 950 | |
23-May-1847 | C | Emma BARRETT, daughter of George and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 108 | |
26-Dec-1847 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 83 by J. SEAGRAM | 989 | |
24-Jul-1848 | C | Mary Ann BARRETT, daughter of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 167 | |
7-Jan-1849 | C | Martha BARRETT, daughter of Elizabeth BARRETT of Marlbro' | 185 | |
19-Mar-1849 | B | Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 4 by J. SEAGRAM | 1030 | |
17-Jun-1849 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 196 | |
16-Sep-1850 | M | John PRIOR, Bachelor, of full age of East Lockinge, Labourer; son of James PRIOR, Labourer and Sarah BARRETT, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of George BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by W[illia]m HESLOP, Curate; Witnesses: Richard PALMER, Mary BARRETT | 142 | |
13-Oct-1850 | C | Alfred BARRETT, son of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 262 | |
13-Sep-1851 | M | Henry BARRETT, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas BARRETT, Labourer and Charlotte JENKINSON, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of Edward JENKINSON, Servant - after Banns by W[illia]m HESLOP, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas BARRETT [X], Richard BUNCE | 151 | |
18-Oct-1851 | M | James BARRETT, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas BARRETT, Labourer and Ann PIERCE, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of James PIERCE, Labourer - after Banns by W[illia]m HESLOP, Curate; Witnesses: Charlotte BARRETT, Richard BUNCE | 152 | |
29-Jan-1852 | C | Job BARRETT, son of BARRETT of Aldbourne, [No parents' names given] [Born: 11-Dec-1851] | | 180 | |
19-Sep-1852 | C | Emily BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne [Born: 8-Aug-1852] | | | |
24-Sep-1852 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 8 by William HESLOP, Curate | 1127 | |
5-Feb-1853 | C | Hannah BARRETT, daughter of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 352 | |
12-Jun-1853 | C | Anthony John BARRETT, son of John and Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 368 | |
22-Nov-1853 | B | Miriam BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 67 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 1162 | |
26-Nov-1853 | B | Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 34 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 1163 | |
16-Jul-1854 | B | Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 73 by C.F. WILLIS, Curate | 1186 | |
23-Jul-1854 | C | George BARRETT, son of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 413 | |
16-Oct-1854 | C | Albert William BARRETT, son of Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne | 422 | |
23-Sep-1855 | C | Anne BARRETT, daughter of John and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 468 | |
26-Apr-1856 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 64 by C.F. WILLIS, Curate | 1224 | |
15-Aug-1856 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 37 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 1234 | |
11-Oct-1856 | B | William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 76 by C.F. WILLIS, Curate | 1235 | |
18-Oct-1856 | M | George BARRETT, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas BARRETT, Labourer and Maria DAVIS, Widow, of full age of Ramsbury; dau of James HARPER, Labourer - after Banns by C.F. WILLIS, Curate; Witnesses: William HARPER, Hannah HARPER | 200 | |
23-Dec-1856 | B | Thomas BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 89 by C.F. WILLIS, Curate | 1241 | |
4-Jan-1857 | C | William BARRETT, son of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 528 | |
6-Feb-1857 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 80 by G. Ellis CLEATHER, Curate of Chirston | 1244 | |
21-Jun-1857 | B | Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 91 by C.F. WILLIS, Curate | 1252 | |
26-Jul-1857 | C | Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne | 553 | |
12-Oct-1857 | M | William BARRETT, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer and Martha DUDMAN, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of John DUDMAN, Shepherd - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: William DUDMAN, Ann DUDMAN | 212 | |
19-Jan-1859 | C | John BARRETT, son of William and Martha BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 622 | |
22-Jan-1859 | B | John BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged infant by John PILDITCH, Curate | 1300 | |
6-Mar-1859 | C | Jane BARRETT, daughter of George and Maria BARRETT of Ramsbury, Labourer | 627 | |
24-Jun-1859 | B | Stephen BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 52 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 1307 | |
4-Sep-1859 | C | Henry BARRETT, son of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 655 | |
1-Apr-1860 | M | William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of George BARRETT, Labourer and Jane SELLWOOD, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of James SELLWOOD, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: James BAILEY [X], Eliza BARRETT [X] | 235 | |
6-Oct-1861 | C | Emma BARRETT, daughter of George and Maria BARRETT of Ramsbury, Labourer | 742 | |
6-Oct-1861 | C | Elizabeth Mary BARRETT, daughter of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 745 | |
3-Nov-1861 | C | John BARRETT, son of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 749 | |
9-Nov-1861 | M | Edmund BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of John BARRETT, Labourer and Mary STROUD, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of Charles STROUD, Labourer - after Banns by Reginald H. BRISTOW, Curate; Witnesses: Charles BAILEY [X], Ann STROUD [X] | 254 | |
23-Dec-1861 | B | Isaac BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 73 by R.H. BRISTOW, Curate | 1372 | |
6-Apr-1862 | C | Charles BARRETT, son of Edmund and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 764 | |
18-Oct-1862 | M | James BAILEY, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Joseph BAILEY, Labourer and Sarah BARRETT, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: William BAILEY [X], John WOODLEY | 258 | |
20-Feb-1863 | C | Charles BARRETT, son of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 3 | |
13-Mar-1863 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 12 | |
13-Mar-1863 | C | Joab BARRETT, son of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 14 | |
13-Mar-1863 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 10 | |
13-Mar-1863 | C | Susannah BARRETT, daughter of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 13 | |
13-Mar-1863 | C | John BARRETT, son of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 11 | |
3-May-1863 | C | Mary Jane BARRETT, daughter of Edmund and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 24 | |
26-Jun-1863 | B | Francis BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 68 by Edward BURBIDGE, Curate | 1409 | |
3-Jul-1863 | B | Sarah BARRETT of Hungerford Workhouse, aged 30 by Edward BURBIDGE, Curate | 1411 | |
4-Oct-1863 | C | Mary Ann BARRETT, daughter of William and Martha BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 44 | |
6-Dec-1863 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 47 | |
7-Feb-1864 | C | William George BARRETT, son of William and Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 54 | |
6-Mar-1864 | C | James BARRETT, son of George and Maria BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 61 | |
31-Mar-1864 | B | John BARRETT, + of Aldbourne, aged 89 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 1432 | |
25-Sep-1864 | B | Mary BARRETT, + of Aldbourne, aged 23 by Edward BURBIDGE, Curate | 1452 | |
9-Feb-1865 | B | Rachel BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 87 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 1470 | |
31-Mar-1865 | C | Thomas William BARRETT, son of William and Cecilia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 101 | |
28-Jun-1865 | C | William George BARRETT, son of Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne | 111 | |
29-Jul-1865 | B | William G. BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 2m by J. STURTON, Off[iciatin]g Minister | 1483 | |
5-Nov-1865 | C | Ann BARRETT, daughter of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 126 | |
3-Dec-1865 | C | Henry BARRETT, son of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 129 | |
10-Jun-1866 | B | James BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 5 by Edward BURBIDGE, Curate | 1508 | |
29-Jul-1866 | C | William BARRETT, son of George and Maria BARRETT of Ramsbury, Labourer | 145 | |
21-Mar-1867 | B | Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 13m by Edward BURBIDGE, Curate | 1530 | |
6-Oct-1867 | C | Ann BARRETT, daughter of William and Cecilia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 196 | |
5-Apr-1868 | C | Emily BARRETT, daughter of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 217 | |
3-Oct-1869 | C | Elizabeth Mary BARRETT, daughter of Eliza BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 293 | |
1-May-1870 | C | Elizabeth Jane BARRETT, daughter of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 324 | |
1-May-1870 | C | Henry James BARRETT, son of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 323 | |
5-Nov-1870 | M | James WILLIAMS, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Moses WILLIAMS, Labourer and Mary Ann BARRETT, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Charles MALIN, Martha MALIN | 345 | |
2-Apr-1871 | C | Esther Elizabeth BARRETT, daughter of Henry and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 365 | |
4-May-1871 | M | Amos BARRETT, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Baker; son of Thomas BARRETT, Baker and Mary Ann ALEXANDER, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Edward ALEXANDER, Tailor - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Edward ALEXANDER, Emma SMITH | 349 | |
20-Jul-1871 | M | Alexander SAWYER, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Bricklayer; son of Simon SAWYER, Labourer and Elizabeth BARRETT, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: James BARRETT, Sarah BARRETT | 354 | |
23-Jul-1871 | C | Mary Jane BARRETT, daughter of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 378 | |
8-Nov-1871 | B | Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 71 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 55 | |
5-May-1872 | C | Mary BARRETT, daughter of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 410 | |
6-May-1872 | C | Amos Alexander BARRETT, son of Amos and Mary Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Farmer | | 75 | |
28-Jul-1872 | M | John EMBERLIN, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas EMBERLIN, Labourer and Ann Maria BARRETT, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Charles SMITH, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Edward HESSEY, Martha EATWELL | 368 | |
6-Oct-1872 | C | George BARRETT, son of George and Maria BARRETT of Ramsbury, Labourer | 424 | |
26-Dec-1872 | B | George BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 53; [Died in Hungerford Union Workhouse: 22-Dec-1872] Buried at Aldbourne by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 86 | |
22-Jan-1873 | B | William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 81 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 87 | |
8-Oct-1873 | C | Elizabeth Ellen BARRETT, daughter of William and Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer [Born: 12-Sep-1873] | | 142 | |
10-Dec-1873 | B | Thomas BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 76 by A. ANDERSON, Curate | 115 | |
4-Jan-1874 | C | Lydia BARRETT, daughter of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 480 | |
18-Jul-1874 | M | William WILLIAMS, Bachelor, aged 21 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William COXHEAD, Labourer and Hannah BARRETT, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Henry BARRETT, Charles MALIN | 384 | |
26-Jul-1874 | C | James BARRETT, son of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 512 | |
6-Mar-1875 | B | Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 61 by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 141 | |
4-Apr-1875 | C | Emily BARRETT, daughter of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 532 | |
6-Nov-1875 | M | John BARRETT, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Henry BARRETT, Labourer and Ellen STROUD, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Charles STROUD, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: James LIDDIARD, Sarah BARRETT | 393 | |
3-Dec-1876 | C | Rose BARRETT, daughter of George and Maria BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 601 | |
29-Mar-1877 | B | Henry BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 11 by S.M. STABLE, Curate | 185 | |
6-Jul-1877 | C | Rose BARRETT, daughter of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 621 | |
6-Jul-1877 | C | Sarah BARRETT, daughter of William and Celia BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer, Rec[eive]d Oct 7th | 622 | |
10-Jul-1877 | B | Rose BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 5d by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 194 | |
2-Sep-1877 | C | Sarah Ann BARRETT, daughter of John and Ellen BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 633 | |
20-Oct-1877 | M | Alfred BARRETT, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of John BARRETT, Labourer and Charlotte NEWMAN, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of John NEWMAN, Cab Proprietor - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Henry BARRETT, William SHEPPARD | 422 | |
11-May-1878 | M | William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of James BARRETT, Labourer and Mary Ann VOCKINS, Spinster, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of William VOCKINS, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: George BARRETT, Mary WITTS | 431 | |
29-Jul-1878 | M | George BARRETT, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of James BARRETT, Labourer and Mary WITTS, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of George WITTS, Carrier - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Charles WITTS, Mary Ann BARRETT | 435 | |
3-Nov-1878 | C | Edward John BARRETT, son of John and Ellen BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 679 | |
7-Dec-1878 | M | Thomas GRANT, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William GRANT, Labourer and Ann BARRETT, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Henry BARRETT, Sarah Ann GRANT | 441 | |
2-Feb-1879 | C | Thomas BARRETT, son of James and Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 682 | |
2-Feb-1879 | C | William James BARRETT, son of William and Mary Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 683 | |
20-Feb-1879 | B | Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 67 by S.M. STABLE, Curate | 239 | |
19-Mar-1879 | B | John BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 23 by S.M. STABLE, Curate | 241 | |
14-May-1879 | C | Annie Eliza BARRETT, daughter of William and Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer [Born: 27-Mar-1879] | | 226 | |
3-Jul-1879 | M | James BARRETT, Widower, aged full of Aldbourne, Carrier; son of William BARRETT, Labourer and Ann FOX, Widow, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Charles GIBBS, Farmer - after Banns by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Ephraim GIBBS, Mary Jane BRIND | 447 | |
27-Aug-1879 | B | Edward John BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 11m by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar | 264 | |
7-Sep-1879 | C | Mary Ann BARRETT, daughter of George and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 713 | |
28-Feb-1880 | B | Ellen BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 27 by S.M. STABLE, Curate | 281 | |
2-May-1880 | C | Elizabeth Mary BARRETT, daughter of William and Mary Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 740 | |
6-Jun-1880 | C | Frederick John BARRETT, son of Alfred and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 748 | |
6-Mar-1881 | C | Emily BARRETT, daughter of George and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 778 | |
18-Jun-1881 | B | Eve BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 73 by W.H. BATH, Curate | 312 | |
22-Jun-1881 | C | Frederick Henry BARRETT, son of William and Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer [Born: 22-May-1881] | | 270 | |
4-Sep-1881 | C | John BARRETT, son of William and Mary Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 10001 | |
5-Nov-1881 | M | William Henry DEACON, Bachelor, aged 25 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Henry DEACON, Labourer and Jane BARRETT, Spinster, aged 23 of Aldbourne; dau of George BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by W.H. BATH, Curate; Witnesses: Charles LIDDIARD, Sarah Jane SMITH | 458 | |
8-Apr-1882 | B | Charles BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 12 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 337 | |
1-Oct-1882 | C | Charles Steed BARRETT, son of Susan BARRETT of Aldbourne, illegitimate son of | 36 | |
14-Oct-1882 | M | Albert William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 28 of Aldbourne, Shepherd; son of (not known) and Mary Ann PLANK, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of William PLANK, Labourer - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: William SHEPPARD, George William COXHEAD [X] | 464 | |
30-Sep-1883 | C | Alice BARRETT, daughter of Albert William and Mary Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 81 | |
12-Apr-1884 | M | John BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 23 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William BARRETT, Labourer and Elizabeth STROUD, Spinster, aged 22 of Aldbourne; dau of John STROUD, Labourer - after Banns by Willi[am] McGOWAN, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas RUSSELL, Ann BARRETT | 470 | |
29-Mar-1885 | C | Celia Rose BARRETT, daughter of John and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 130 | |
31-May-1885 | C | Arthur George BARRETT, son of George and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 137 | |
28-Mar-1886 | C | Ernest Charles BARRETT, son of Alfred and Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 169 | |
6-Nov-1886 | M | Job BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Henry BARRETT, Labourer and Sarah Ann SMITH, Spinster, aged 23 of Aldbourne; dau of Joseph SMITH, Labourer - after Banns by W.R.D. ELWELL, Curate; Witnesses: Richard WITTS [X], Mary SMITH | 495 | |
20-Jan-1887 | M | William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 21 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of George BARRETT, Labourer and Mary Jane BRIND, Spinster, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas BRIND, Mail Contractor - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Thomas BRIND, Sarah Ann BRIND | 497 | |
26-Mar-1887 | M | Thomas William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 22 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William BARRETT, Labourer and Catherine LEE, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas LEE, (deceased) - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Thomas HATHRILL, Mary BARRETT | 498 | |
24-Jul-1887 | C | William George BARRETT, son of William and Mary Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 205 | |
28-Aug-1887 | C | Emily BARRETT, daughter of William and Mary Ann BARRETT of Welford, Berks, Labourer | 207 | |
25-Sep-1887 | C | William Thomas BARRETT, son of Thomas William and Catherine BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 212 | |
27-Nov-1887 | C | Pearce William BARRETT, son of George and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 215 | |
25-Mar-1888 | B | James BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 72 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 499 | |
11-Mar-1889 | B | Pearce William BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 18m by G.T. SHETTLE, Curate | 516 | |
29-Jul-1889 | B | Jesse BARRETT, Unbaptised. No religious Ceremony of Aldbourne, aged 8w | 530 | |
27-Oct-1889 | C | Rose Emily BARRETT, daughter of William and Mary Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 281 | |
29-Dec-1889 | C | William BARRETT, son of Job and Sarah Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 286 | |
24-Jan-1890 | B | James BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 59 by G.T. SHETTLE, Curate | 536 | |
9-Apr-1890 | M | James BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 26 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of George BARRETT, Labourer and Elizabeth NEW, Spinster, aged 22 of Aldbourne; dau of George NEW, Labourer - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Sarah NEW, George NEW | 15 | |
1-Oct-1890 | B | Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 74 by C.S. YOUNG, Curate | 559 | |
4-Oct-1890 | M | Walter BRAY, Bachelor, aged 22 of Aldbourne, Carpenter; son of Jesse BRAY, Licensed Victualler and Ann BARRETT, Spinster, aged 25 of Aldbourne; dau of James BARRETT, Woodman - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Mary Jane BARRETT, Albert Edward BRAY | 18 | |
28-Mar-1891 | M | Tom COXHEAD, Bachelor, aged 29 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Amos COXHEAD, Labourer and Esther Elizabeth BARRETT, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of Henry BARRETT, Woodman - after Banns by Charles E. YOUNG, Curate; Witnesses: Rose WITTS, Thirza CUMMINGS | 23 | |
26-Jul-1891 | C | Charles BARRETT, son of William and Mary Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 326 | |
1-Dec-1891 | B | John BARRETT, (no age given) of Hungerford Union; [Died in Hungerford Union Workhouse: 26-Nov-1891; aged 83] Buried at Aldbourne by C.S. YOUNG, Curate | 590 | |
28-Feb-1892 | C | William John BARRETT, son of John and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 346 | |
26-Feb-1893 | C | Elizabeth Mary BARRETT, daughter of Job and Sarah Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 368 | |
2-Feb-1894 | C | Frederick James BARRETT, son of George and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 392 | |
9-Feb-1894 | B | Frederick James BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 2w by W.A. LOWSLEY, Curate | 636 | |
27-Aug-1894 | C | Sarah Emily BARRETT, daughter of John and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 407 | |
26-May-1895 | C | Mary Jane BARRETT, daughter of William and Mary Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 420 | |
27-Nov-1895 | M | Arthur George STAPLES, Widower, aged 43 of Weedon Bec, Northamptonshire, Soldier; son of George Richard STAPLES, (deceased) and Caroline BARRETT, Spinster, aged 23 of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT, Shepherd - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Charles HANLON, Evelyn Elizabeth HANLON | 56 | |
22-Oct-1896 | M | Joseph Henry COOK, Bachelor, aged 23 of Aldbourne, Carpenter; son of Daniel COOK, Carpenter and Emily BARRETT, Spinster, aged 28 of Aldbourne; dau of James BARRETT, (deceased) - after Banns by Stanley Heddon HOWARD, Clerk in Holy Orders; Witnesses: James BARRETT, Mary Jane BARRETT | 61 | |
21-Oct-1897 | M | Frederick William Herbert AULT, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Carriage Builder; son of Frederick Horatio Walker AULT, Photographer and Mary Jane BARRETT, Spinster, aged 26 of Aldbourne; dau of James BARRETT (deceased), Keeper - after Banns by C.M. GAY, Curate; Witnesses: Walter BRAY, Sarah BARRETT | 69 | |
23-Oct-1897 | M | Charles William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Charles BARRETT, Shepherd and Rose BARRETT, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of George BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Elizabeth BARRETT, James BARRETT [X] | 70 | |
23-Oct-1897 | M | Charles William BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Charles BARRETT, Shepherd and Rose BARRETT, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of George BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Elizabeth BARRETT, James BARRETT [X] | 70 | |
13-Nov-1897 | M | James Eason COOPER, Bachelor, aged 21 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Alfred COOPER, Labourer and Sarah Ann BARRETT, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT (deceased), Labourer - after Banns by C.M. GAY, Curate; Witnesses: Charles James STROUD, Annie Caroline WHERRELL | 72 | |
11-Dec-1897 | M | George BURKUS, Widower, aged 46 of Streatly, Berkshire, Waggoner; son of James BURKUS, Waggoner and Elizabeth BARRETT, Spinster, aged 47 of Aldbourne; dau of John BARRETT, Labourer - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Sophy Helen WALDRON, John BRIND | 73 | |
12-Dec-1897 | C | Emily Jane BARRETT, daughter of Job and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne [Born: 29-Sep-1897] | | 779 | |
30-Jan-1898 | C | Reginald Tom BARRETT, son of William and Rose BARRETT of Aldbourne, Shepherd | 488 | |
24-Apr-1898 | C | Elsie May BARRETT, daughter of George and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Woodman | 493 | |
7-May-1898 | B | George BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 43 by C.M. GAY, Curate | 712 | |
29-Aug-1898 | B | Edith L. BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 4 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 715 | |
8-Dec-1898 | B | Edward BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 58 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 720 | |
16-Mar-1899 | C | George BARRETT, son of Charles and Rose BARRETT of Aldbourn [Born: 15-Jan-1899] | | | |
30-Jul-1899 | C | Reginald Arthur BARRETT, son of William and Mary Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 3 | |
27-Sep-1899 | B | Henry BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 71 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 736 | |
4-Nov-1899 | B | John BARRETT of Aldbourne (Union), aged 71; [Died in Hungerford Union Workhouse: 1-Nov-1899] Buried at Aldbourne by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 742 | |
26-Feb-1900 | B | Charlotte BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 69 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 752 | |
25-Apr-1900 | B | Reginald Arthur BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 1 by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 754 | |
24-Jun-1900 | C | John BARRETT, son of Job and Sarah BARRETT of Aldbourne [Born: 8-Apr-1900] | | | |
15-Sep-1900 | B | Charles Henry BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 15m by E. DAVIES, Off[iciatin]g Minister | 758 | |
31-Dec-1900 | B | Thomas Frederick BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 6m by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar | 764 | |
17-Jan-1901 | C | Lillian BARRETT, daughter of Charles and Rose BARRETT of Aldbourn [Born: 6-Dec-1900] | | | |
30-Nov-1901 | B | Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, aged 61 by H. BROWN, Off[iciatin]g Minister | 776 | |
25-Jun-1904 | M | Ernest James BRAY, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Carpenter; son of Jesse BRAY, Gardener and Emily BARRETT, Spinster, aged 23 of Aldbourne; dau of George BARRETT, Woodman - after Banns by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Sarah Ann BARRETT, James BARRETT | 121 | |
10-Jul-1904 | C | Margaret Elsie May BARRETT, daughter of William and Mary Jane BARRETT of Aldbourne, Labourer | 139 | |
20-May-1905 | M | Richard EMBERLIN, Widower, aged 40 of Kensal Green, Labourer; son of Thomas EMBERLIN, Labourer and Mary BARRETT, Widow, aged 49 of Aldbourne; dau of George WITTS, Carrier - after Banns by A.J. PITKIN; Witnesses: Arthur BARRETT, Sarah Ann BARRETT | 132 | |
10-Jun-1905 | M | Frederick Henry BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 23 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William BARRETT, Labourer and Elizabeth TUCKER, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of George TUCKER, Labourer - after Banns by A.J. PITKIN; Witnesses: Walter John BREACH, Annie Eliza BARRETT | 133 | |
18-Sep-1907 | M | Henry James FISHER, Bachelor, aged 34 of Ramsbury, Labourer; son of Henry George FISHER, Carter and Sarah BARRETT, Spinster, aged 28 of Aldbourne; dau of William BARRETT, Shepherd - after Banns by A.J. PITKIN; Witnesses: William BARRETT, Elizabeth Jane BARRETT | 143 | |
4-Mar-1911 | M | James BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 36 of Aldbourne, Keeper; son of James BARRETT, Woodman and Mary WITTS, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Charles WITTS, Shepherd - after Banns by W.A. BUTLER, Vicar; Witnesses: George WITTS, Sarah WESTALL, Charles Edward WESTALL | 167 | |
18-Aug-1911 | C | Leslie Arthur Tether Barlow BARRETT, son of Sarah Ann BARRETT of Aldbourne, (illegitimate) | 293 | |
21-Sep-1911 | C | Ernest BARRETT, son of Charles Ernest and Annie Maud BARRETT of Aldbourne, Baker | 295 | |
26-Jan-1913 | C | Herman Leslie BARRETT, son of Frederick Henry and Elizabeth BARRETT of Aldbourne, Woodman [Born: 19-Nov-1912] | | | |
3-Feb-1913 | M | Frederick John BARRETT, Bachelor, aged 32 of Aldbourne, Job Master; son of Alfed BARRETT, Farmer and Florence Elizabeth FRY, Spinster, aged 27 of Aldbourne; dau of Edward FRY, Gas Maker [?] - after Banns by W.A. BUTLER, Vicar; Witnesses: William Alfred FRY, Amy Moorwood SETTLE | 185 | |
12-Apr-1913 | M | Henry LIDDIARD, Bachelor, aged 31 of Ramsbury, Labourer; son of George LIDDIARD (deceased), Labourer and Elsie Gladys BARRETT, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of Edmund BARRETT, Shepherd - after Banns by W.A. BUTLER, Vicar; Witnesses: Edmund BARRETT, Annie LIDDIARD [X] | 190 | |
6-Jun-1913 | C | Archie Donald BARRETT, son of Edward and Ellen BARRETT of Stock Close, Aldbourne, Shepherd | 329 | |
6-Jun-1913 | C | Edgar Leslie BARRETT, son of Edward and Ellen BARRETT of Stock Close, Aldbourne, Shepherd | 330 | |
29-Jun-1913 | C | Gladys Emily Jane BARRETT, daughter of James and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Keeper | 336 | |
19-Apr-1914 | C | Jean Margaret Emily BARRETT, daughter of William George and Rose BARRETT of Nether Wallop, Hants, Blacksmith | 365 | |
24-May-1914 | C | Eric Charles BARRETT, son of Charles Stead and Rose BARRETT of Aldbourne, Engineer | 369 | |
16-Aug-1914 | C | Beatrice Elsie May BARRETT, daughter of James and Mary BARRETT of Aldbourne, Keeper | 374 | |
27-Sep-1915 | C | Alfred Victor BARRETT, son of Charles Stead and Rose BARRETT of Aldbourne, Engineer | 389 | |
18-Feb-1917 | C | Charles James BARRETT, son of James and Mary BARRETT of Baydon Hill, Aldbourne, Gamekeeper [Born: 23-Oct-1916] | 405 | |
24-Jun-1917 | C | Leslie William BARRETT, son of Charles Steed and Rose BARRETT of Upper Upham, Aldbourne, Electric Engineer [Born: 5-Apr-1917] | 409 | |
29-Jul-1917 | C | Dorothy Mabel BARRETT, daughter of Frederick John and Florence BARRETT of The Square, Aldbourne, GreenGrocer [Born: 9-Mar-1917] | 412 | |
1-Jun-1918 | M | William Reginald Robert MILDENHALL, Bachelor, aged 25 of Perham Down, Tidworth, Wilts, Private in Royal Berks; son of William James MILDENHALL, Farm Labourer and Rose Emily BARRETT, Spinster, aged 28 of Aldbourne; dau of William BARRETT, Labourer - by Licence by W.A. BUTLER, Rector of Woodborough; Witnesses: Frederick Thomas BARNES, Frances Ethel MILDENHALL | 212 | |
1-Feb-1920 | C | Marjory Florence BARRETT, daughter of Frederick John and Florence Elizabeth BARRETT of The Square, Aldbourne, Grocer [Born: 9-Nov-1919] | 445 | |
28-Mar-1920 | C | William Henry BARRETT, son of Charles Stead and Rose BARRETT of Baydon Hill, Aldbourne, Engineer [Born: 29-Jul-1919] | 450 | |
7-Mar-1922 | C | Ronald Charles BARRETT, son of Charles and Gertrude BARRETT of North Field Barn, Aldbourne, Carter [Born: 6-Feb-1922] | | | |
3-Jun-1923 | C | Vera Grace BARRETT, daughter of Frederick John and Florence Elizabeth BARRETT of The Square, Aldbourne, Grocer [Born: 14-Mar-1923] | 505 | |