Register Events by Family
Aldbourne Parish Registers 1637 - 1925
< Family Name Index >
Date Type Event Other Parish or Chapel Entry #
2-Aug-1600MThomas SHEAPHERD of Aldbourne and
at Ogbourne St Andrew
24-Sep-1607CDorothe [SHEP]PARD [ex BTs]
Apr-1608MThomas HORNE and
Ellen SHEPARD[ex BTs - day unclear]
20-Apr-1608CAne SHEPARD, daughter of Henry SHEPARD
28-Apr-1638CHenry SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Israel SHEPHERD
6-May-1638BHenry SHEPHARD
10-Jun-1638CHenry SHEPHEARD, son of Henry and Jone SHEPHEARD
5-Jan-1639/40BHenry SHEPHERD
15-Nov-1640CJone SHEPHERD, daughter of Henry and Jone SHEPHERD
2-Mar-1645/46CJohn SHEEPHERD, son [filius] of Richard SHEEPHERD
6-Apr-1646CRichard SHEEPHERD, son of Henry and Jone SHEEPHERD
7-Jul-1647BThe wife of W[illia]m SHEPHERD
12-Mar-1647/48BJohn SHEPHERD
25-Dec-1648CRichard SHEEPHERD, son of Richard and Hester SHEEPHERD
5-Aug-1649CThomas SHEEPHERD, son of Henry and Jone SHEEPHERD
1-Jan-1651/52CJohn SHEPERD, son of Richard and Hester SHEPERD
20-Apr-1652CAne SHEAPEARD, daughter of Hynry and Jone SHEAPEARD
24-Jan-1653/54BThomas SHEEPHERD
10-Sep-1654CJoseph SHEEPHERD, son of Richard and Hester SHEEPHERD
24-Sep-1654BRichard SHEEPHERD
26-Dec-1654CMargarett SHEEPHERD, daughter of Henry and Jane SHEEPHERD
16-Apr-1655MTho[mas] SHEEPHERD and
20-Nov-1655CJone SHEEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Jone SHEEPHERD
20-Nov-1655BAnne SHEEPHERD
23-Feb-1655/56B--- SHEEPHERD
21-Apr-1657CJohn SHEEPHERD, son of Henery and Jane SHEEPHERD
8-Nov-1657BA child of Richard SHEEPHERD
24-Mar-1657/58BJoseph SHEEPHERD
2-Aug-1658BRichard SHEEPHEARD
30-Nov-1658BRichard SHEEPHEARD
8-Dec-1658BIsraell SHEEPHEARD
1-May-1659MThomas SHEEPHERD and
Ann BUTT, [No day specified]
3-May-1659BRichard SHEAPHERDE
13-May-1659MThomas SHEPPARD of Aldbourne and
Ann BUTT of Lambourn Woodlands
at Froxfield
20-Apr-1660CAnn SHEEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Ann SHEEPHERD
5-Oct-1662CIsrell SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Ann SHEPHERD
19-Feb-1663/64BThomas SHEPHEARD
5-Jun-1664MHenry SHEPHERD and
30-Mar-1665MThomas COLLINS and
30-Apr-1665CMary SHEPHEARD, daughter of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
15-May-1665MThomas SHEPHERD and
25-Jun-1665MJohn FAIRCHILD and
22-Aug-1665BIsraell SHEPHEARD, the daughter of Ann Fairchild
10-Dec-1665CThomas SHEPHEARD, son of Thomas and Margerie SHEPHEARD
11-Dec-1667CHester SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Margery SHEPHERD
23-Aug-1668CHenry SHEPHEARD, son of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
3-Oct-1668BMary SHEPHEARD, widdow
8-Apr-1670CRichard SHEPHEARD, son of Thomas and Margerie SHEPHEARD
7-May-1671CAnn SHEPHEARD, daughter of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
27-May-1671MRichard SHEPHEARD and
24-Jan-1671/72CSteven SHEPHEARD, son of Richard and Ann SHEPHEARD
27-Jan-1671/72BSteven SHEPHEARD, the son of Richard and Ann Shepheard
29-Nov-1672CElizabeth SHEPHEARD, daughter of Thomas and Margery SHEPHEARD
16-Nov-1673CMartha SHEPHEARD, daughter of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
4-Dec-1673CRichard SHEPHEARD, son of Richard and Ann SHEPHEARD
26-Oct-1674MRichard SHEPHEARD of Aldbourne and
Joanna KEATE of
at Ramsbury
3-Mar-1674/75CRachel SHEPHEARD, daughter of Thomas and Margery SHEPHEARD
29-Jul-1675CHugh SHEPHEARD, son of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
31-Oct-1675MHenry COWBOROUGH and
23-Nov-1675CMartha SHEPHEARD, daughter of Richard and Ann SHEPHEARD
28-Feb-1675/76CAnn SHEPHEARD, daughter of John and Ann SHEPHEARD
2-May-1676BMartha SHEPHERD, the daughter of Richard and Ann Shepherd
6-Aug-1676CRichard SHEPHEARD, son of Richard and Hannah SHEPHEARD
13-Aug-1676BRichard SHEPHEARD, the son of Richard Shepheard
23-Mar-1676/77CMartha SHEPHEARD, daughter of Richard and Ann SHEPHEARD
23-Sep-1677CMargerie SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Margerie SHEPHERD
9-Nov-1677CJohn SHEPHEARD, son of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
1-Jan-1677/78CJohn SHEPHEARD, son of John and Ann SHEPHEARD
1-Apr-1678CRichard SHEPHEARD, son of Richard and Hannah SHEPHEARD
15-Sep-1679CAnn SHEPHEARD, daughter of Richard and Ann SHEPHEARD
23-Dec-1679BMargaret SHEPHEARD, widdow [Aff't Rec'd]
7-Mar-1679/80BJohn SHEPHEARD, the son of Henry and Mary Shepheard [Aff't Rec'd]
13-Jun-1680CHannah SHEPHEARD, daughter of Henry and Mary SHEPHEARD
30-Jun-1680MJohn SHEPHEARD and
Elizabeth BROWN
22-Aug-1680BElizabeth SHEPHEARD, the wife of John Shepheard [Aff't Rec'd]
4-Oct-1680CMary SHEPHEARD, daughter of Thomas and Margery SHEPHEARD
20-Apr-1681CHenry SHEPHEARD, son of John and Ann SHEPHEARD
30-Sep-1681CJoane SHEPHEARD, daughter of Richard and Ann SHEPHEARD
30-Jul-1682BRichard SHEEPHERD, [???] [Aff't Rec'd]
6-Dec-1682CSamuel SHEPHERD, son of Richard and Hannah SHEPHERD
17-Dec-1682CJone SHEPHERD, daughter of Henry and Mary SHEPHERD
27-Dec-1682CCornelius SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Margery SHEPHERD
8-Sep-1683BHannah SHEPHERD, the wife of Richard Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
25-Jan-1683/84CThomas SHEPHERD, son of John and Anne SHEPHERD
16-Mar-1683/84CSteven SHEPHERD, son of Richard and Anne SHEPHERD
12-Jul-1685CMargaret SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Margery SHEPHERD
31-Jan-1685/86CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Richard and Anne SHEPHERD
9-Jun-1686BHenery SHEPHERD, Jun[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
17-Oct-1686MRichard SHEPHERD of the Parish of Auborne and
Margaret KIMBER of the Parish of Auborne
21-Oct-1686CJohn SHEPHERD, son of John and Mary SHEPHERD
16-Jan-1686/87CLydia SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Anne SHEPHERD
26-Dec-1687CHenery SHEPHERD, son of Richard and Anne SHEPHERD
11-Mar-1687/88CAlexander SHEPHERD, son of John and Mary SHEPHERD
29-Apr-1688CAbigail SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Margery SHEPHERD
4-Oct-1688BSteven SHEPHERD, the son of Richard Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
25-Dec-1689CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Mary SHEPHERD
3-Aug-1690CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
2-Jul-1691BMary SHEPHERD, the daughter of John Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
12-Jul-1691CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Richard and Anne SHEPHERD
6-Dec-1691CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Mary SHEPHERD
9-Feb-1691/92BJoan SHEPHERD, the wife of Henry Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
24-Feb-1691/92CThomas SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
11-May-1692CJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Margery SHEPHERD
27-Aug-1693CSarah SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Anne SHEPHERD
9-Oct-1693BMary SHEPHERD, the daughter of John Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
14-Jan-1693/94CHenery SHEPHERD, son of John and Mary SHEPHERD
19-Aug-1694CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
20-Aug-1694CElizabeth SHEPHERD, daughter of Richard and Anne SHEPHERD
25-Jan-1695/96CElizabeth SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
8-Jun-1696BHester SHEPHERD, Wid[ow] [Aff't Rec'd]
23-Aug-1696CElizabeth SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Mary SHEPHERD
24-Nov-1697BHenery SHEPHERD [Aff't Rec'd]
12-Nov-1698BJohn SHEPHERD, Sen[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
17-Nov-1698BJohn SHEPHERD, Jun[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
18-Dec-1698CRichard SHEPHERD, son of John and Mary SHEPHERD
27-Dec-1698CEsther SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
8-Jan-1698/99BEsther SHEPHERD, the daughter of Thomas Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
21-May-1699BRichard SHEPHERD, the son of Richard Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
8-Feb-1699/00BMargery SHEPHERD, the wife of Thomas Shepard sen[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
1-Mar-1699/00BThomas SHEPHERD [Aff't Rec'd]
28-Apr-1700CMartha SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
9-Jul-1702MSamuel SHEPHEARD Labourer of Aldbourne and
at Ramsbury
10-Oct-1703CHester SHEPHERD, daughter of Samuel and Mary SHEPHERD
7-Feb-1703/04MSamuel MEALES of of St Helen's in Abingdon in the County of Berks and
Mary SHEPHERD of Goozy in the Parish of Stamford in the County of Berks
30-Apr-1704CHester SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
30-Apr-1704CMargery SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
2-Oct-1704MEdmund BARRETT of Alborne and
Joan SHEPHERD of Alborne
26-Dec-1705CCornelius SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
4-Aug-1706CRichard SHEPHERD, son of Samuell and Mary SHEPHERD
5-Sep-1706MJohn SHEPHERD of Alborne and
Martha BURCH of Alborne
21-Nov-1706BMartha SHEPHERD, the wife of John Shepherd Jun[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
4-Apr-1707CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Mary SHEPHERD
5-May-1707MJohn SHEPPARD of Aldbourne and
Francis ROSIER of Great Bedwin
at Mildenhall
6-Jan-1707/08BElizabeth SHEPHERD, the daughter of John Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
10-May-1709MHenery SHEPHERD and
Susanna FOWLER
3-Jul-1709CWilliam SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
7-Aug-1709CHannah SHEPHERD, daughter of Samuel and Mary SHEPHERD
26-Jan-1709/10MThomas HOBS of Alborne and
Elizabeth SHEPHERD of Alborne
7-May-1710CAnne SHEPHERD, daughter of Henery and Susanna SHEPHERD
25-Jun-1710MCornelius SHEPHERD and
Martha OSBORNE of Sparswell, Berks
12-Apr-1711BMargaret SHEPHERD, the wife of Richard Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
17-Jun-1711CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Cornelius and Martha SHEPHERD
2-Feb-1711/12MRobert HUSSEY of Alborne and
Mary SHEPHERD of Alborne
9-Mar-1711/12CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Henery and Susanna SHEPHERD
7-Jul-1712MRichard SHEPHERD of Aldbourne and
at Ogbourne St George
15-Oct-1712MAlexander SHEPHERD of Alborne and
Mary LAURENCE of Alborne
28-Apr-1713BMary SHEPHERD, the wife of Alexander Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
16-May-1713BMary SHEPHERD, the daughter of Henery Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
2-Nov-1713MEvan GUYN of Alborne and
Margaret SHEPHERD of Alborne
23-May-1714CCornelius SHEPHERD, son of Cornelius and Martha SHEPHERD
17-Jul-1715CRichard SHEPHERD, son of Henery and Susanna SHEPHERD
11-Dec-1715CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Mary SHEPHERD, base born … Wid[ow]
20-May-1716MAlexander SHEPHERD of Alborne and
Sarah LOOKER of Chiselton
14-Apr-1717CSarah SHEPHERD, daughter of Alexander and Sarah SHEPHERD
12-May-1717BMary SHEPHERD, the wife of Thomas Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
8-Oct-1717CMartha SHEPHERD, daughter of Cornelius and Martha SHEPHERD
6-Jan-1717/18CLidia SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
8-Jan-1717/18BLydia SHEPHERD, the daughter of Thomas[?] Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
24-Feb-1717/18CThomas SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and ... SHEPHERD
7-Jun-1719MThomas SHEPHERD of Alborne and
Mary OSMOND of Wroughton
20-Sep-1719CEdward SHEPHERD, son of Mary SHEPHERD, base born
11-Oct-1719CAlexander SHEPHERD, son of Alexander and Sarah SHEPHERD
20-Dec-1719BJudith SHEPHERD, ye wife of Richard Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
6-Jun-1720CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
14-Aug-1720CJames SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
8-Oct-1721CJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Alexander and Sarah SHEPHERD
8-Dec-1721BRichard SHEPHERD [Aff't Rec'd]
24-Nov-1722CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Mary SHEPHERD, base born … Widdow
10-Mar-1722/23CThomas SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
2-Aug-1723MThomas SHEPHERD of Alborne and
Catherine LAURENCE of Alborne
18-Aug-1723CRichard SHEPHERD, son of Cornelius and Martha SHEPHERD
18-Oct-1723BJohn SHEPHERD, ye son of Thomas Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
30-Nov-1723CJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
9-Apr-1724CWilliam SHEPHERD, son of Alexander and Sarah SHEPHERD
28-Aug-1726CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Alexander and Sarah SHEPHERD
10-Oct-1726MPhillip EAGLETON of Alborne and
Esther SHEPHERD of Alborne
1-Jan-1726/27CJohn SHEPERD, son of Thomas and Mary SHEPERD
17-May-1727CThomas SHEPHERD, son of Cornelius and Martha SHEPHERD
6-Apr-1728BJohn SHEPHERD, the son of Alexander and Sarah Shepherd [Aff't Rec'd]
12-Nov-1728BAnn SHEPHERD, widow
19-Nov-1729CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Alexander and Sarah SHEPHERD
23-May-1731CLydia SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Mary SHEPHERD
28-May-1732CRebekah SHEPHERD, daughter of Alex[ande]r and Sarah SHEPHERD
28-Nov-1732BAnn SHEPHERD, the wife of Richard Shepherd
15-Jan-1732/33MSolomon WAYTE of Aldbourne and
Elizabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourne
at Liddington
6-Mar-1732/33BThomas SHEPPERD
29-Apr-1733BAnn SHEPHERD, the daughter of Henry & Susannah Shepherd
25-Feb-1733/34BJohn SHEPHERD
13-Mar-1733/34BMary SHEPHERD
21-Nov-1735BRich[ar]d SHEPHERD
30-Nov-1735MJohn AUDLER and
Dorothy SHEPHERD [date & very faint]
31-May-1737MThomas SMART of and
Sarah SHEPERD of Aldbourne
at Purton
8-Dec-1737MStephen MILDENHALL a wheeler of Aldbourne and
Catherine SHEPHERD widow of Aldbourne
at Chiseldon
27-Nov-1739MJohn POTTENGER of and
Ann SHEPPARD of Aldbourne by Banns
at Hungerford, Berks.
14-Jul-1742CAlexander SHEPPARD, son of Alexander and Rachel SHEPPARD, bastard
4-Aug-1743BAlexander SHEPHERD
20-Oct-1743MThomas SHEPHERD of and
Rachael BROWN of Aldbourne
at Marlborough St Mary
11-Dec-1743BRichard SHEPHERD
30-Jan-1743/44CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Tho[ma]s and Rachel SHEPHERD
16-Mar-1743/44BMary SHEPHERD, daugh[ter] of Tho[mas] & Rachel Shepherd
11-Jun-1744CSarah SHEPHARD, daughter of T[homas] and Sarah SHEPHARD, Curate [Born: 29-May-1744]
14-Jun-1744MCornelious SHEPHERD of Aldbourn and
Eliz[abeth] COLLINS of Aldbourn [very faint]
25-Aug-1744MRichard SHEPHERD of Aldbourne and
at Swindon
11-Dec-1744BJoseph SHEPHERD
29-Jul-1745CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Cornelius and Eliz[abeth] SHEPHERD
12-Aug-1745CRachel Brown SHEPHERD, daughter of Th[omas] and Ra[chel] SHEPHERD
5-Jan-1745/46MJoseph SHEPHERD and
Kath[erine] LAWRENCE
1-Oct-1746CThomas SHEPHARD, son of Thomas and Sarah SHEPHARD, Curate [Born: 1-Sep-1746]
26-Oct-1746CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Kat[harine] SHEPHERD
8-Feb-1746/47BMary SHEPHERD, daugh[ter] of Corn[elius] Shepherd
21-Jun-1747BSusanna SHEPHERD
5-Feb-1747/48MThomas SHEPHERD and
Elizabeth G [bride's name]
16-Oct-1748CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Cornel[ius] and Eliz[abeth] SHEPHERD
27-Nov-1748BMary SHEPHERD
4-Dec-1748CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Jos[eph] and Kath[arine] SHEPHERD
26-Dec-1748CMartha SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Mary SHEPHERD
6-Jan-1748/49CThomas SHEPHERD, son of Tho[mas] and Rachel SHEPHERD
29-Jan-1748/49CAnne SHEPHERD, daughter of Tho[mas] and Eliz[abeth] SHEPHERD
6-Jul-1749MJoseph, Mr. SHEPHERD of Aldbourne and
Catherine, Mrs. SEYMOUR of
at Winterbourne Bassett
21-Jun-1750CCatharine SHEPHERD, daughter of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD
14-Dec-1750BCatharine SHEPHERD, daugh[te]r of Joseph & Catharine Shepherd
18-Jan-1750/51CMartha SHEPHERD, daughter of Tho[ma]s and Rachael SHEPHERD
27-Jan-1750/51CBenjamin SHEPHERD, son of Jos[eph] and Catharine SHEPHERD
16-Sep-1751BAnn SHEPHERD
20-Oct-1751CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD
8-Dec-1751BMary SHEPHERD, wife of Tho[ma]s Shepherd
8-Mar-1752BThomas SHEPHERD
8-Apr-1753CSusanna SHEPHERD, daughter of Jos[eph] and Catharine SHEPHERD
4-Nov-1753CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Tho[ma]s and Rachel SHEPHERD
27-May-1754CCatharine SHEPHERD, daughter of Jos[eph] and Cath[arine] SHEPHERD
30-Jan-1755BMargery SHEPHERD
16-Feb-1755BCornelius SHEPHERD
13-Mar-1755BMartha SHEPHERD, wife of Cornelius Shepherd
27-Apr-1755CJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD
31-Aug-1755MGeorge WRIGHT of Ramsbury(?), Wiltshire and
Martha SHEPHERD of this parish - after Banns
by John WARNFORD, Curate; Witnesses: ???, Thomas LIDDIARD
4-Sep-1756CAlexander SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD [Born: 1-May-1756]
16-Apr-1757BRebecca SHEPHERD, daughter of Alexander Shepherd
26-Dec-1757CJames SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catherine SHEPHERD
12-Mar-1758CWilliam SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catherine SHEPHERD
21-Oct-1758BCatharine SHEPPERD, wife of Jos[eph/iah] Shepperd
28-Nov-1758BSarah SHEPHERD, widow
1-Apr-1759BTho[ma]s SHEPPERD
6-Jun-1759MWilliam GOLD of this parish and
Lydia SHEPPERD of this parish - after Banns
by R[ichar]d POCOCKE, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Thomas SHEPPERD
25-Dec-1759MWilliam COMNER of this parish and
Rachel SHEPPERD of this parish - by Licence
by R[ichar]d POCOCKE, Curate; Witnesses: Ann BROWN, Mary BROWN
24-May-1760BElizabeth SHEPHERD, wife of Cornelius Shepherd
11-Jun-1760CTho[ma]s Seymour SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD
18-Jul-1762CSarah SHEPHERD, daughter of Joseph and Cath[ari]ne SHEPHERD
25-Dec-1762BTho[ma]s SHEPHERD
16-Dec-1763BAlexander SHEPHERD
19-Feb-1764CJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD
5-Mar-1764BJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Joseph Shepherd
29-Mar-1765CJoseph SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD, Mr
12-Apr-1767CJohn SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catharine SHEPHERD
12-Jun-1769MJohn SHEPPARD, single man of this parish and
Ann HUSSEY, single woman of this parish - after Banns
by Cal. COLTON, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, William HUSSEY [X]
4-Aug-1769BAnn SHEPHERD, wife of John Shepherd
4-Aug-1769CThomas SHEPHERD, son of John and Ann SHEPHERD
5-Sep-1769BThomas SHEPHERD, son of John Shepherd
25-Sep-1769CEdw[ar]d Seymour SHEPHERD, son of Joseph and Catherine SHEPHERD
11-Mar-1770BSarah SHEPHERD, widow
9-Apr-1773MCornelius SHEPHERD of this parish and
Elizabeth YEOMANS of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Eleanor WILLIS [X]
18-Nov-1776MHenry NORTH, Batchelor of this parish and
Susanna SHEPHERD, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Amy SMART, Thomas LIDDIARD
12-Feb-1778MThomas SHEPHERD Cordwainer of Aldbourne and
Elizabeth CHAMBERLAINE Spinster by Licence
at Ramsbury
12-Apr-1780BMartha SHEPHERD, the wife of Richard Shepherd
10-Dec-1780MJohn SHEPHERD, Batchelor of this parish and
Elizabeth LANSLEY, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, W[illia]m CUMNER
25-Feb-1781CThomas SHEPHERD, son of John and Elizabeth SHEPHERD
15-Apr-1783CJames SHEPHERD, son of James and Betty SHEPHERD
22-May-1783CRachel SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Elizabeth SHEPHERD
12-Jun-1783BJames SHEPHERD, son of James Shepherd
28-Mar-1784CJohn SHEPHERD, son of James and Betty SHEPHERD [Tax: 3d]
10-Jan-1786CMartha SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Elizabeth SHEPHERD [Tax: 3d]
21-May-1786CSarah SHEPHERD, daughter of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD [Tax: 0d]
24-Sep-1788CCatherine SHEPHERD, daughter of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD [Tax: 99d]
14-Nov-1788CAnn SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Eliz[abeth] SHEPHERD [Tax: 99d]
18-Apr-1789BWilliam SHEPHERD [Tax: 3d]
16-Jul-1789BCatherine SHEPHERD, d[aughte]r of James Shepherd [Tax: 3d]
2-May-1790CJames SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD [Tax: 0d]
8-Apr-1792CBenjamin SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD [Tax: 0d]
1-Feb-1795CWilliam SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD
3-Apr-1795BWilliam SHEPHERD, son of James Shepherd
28-Feb-1796CCharles SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD
29-Jul-1798CAmbrose SHEPHERD, son of James and Elizabeth SHEPHERD
17-Jan-1799BRichard SHEPHERD
19-Apr-1804MJohn LAWRENCE of this parish and
Rachel SHEPHERD of the same place - after Banns
by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Thomas SHEPPARD, Mary SMITH
4-Apr-1805MJohn SHEPHERD of this parish and
Ann RODBURN of the same place - after Banns
by Will[ia]m MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: W[illia]m BARRETT, Elizabeth ALDRIDGE
29-Dec-1805CMary SHEPHERD, daughter of John and Mary SHEPHERD
13-Apr-1807BJohn SHEPHERD
16-May-1808MThomas SHEPPARD of Aldbourne and
Elizabeth JOHNSON Spinster by Licence
at Little Hinton
23-Sep-1808BJames SHEPHERD
10-Aug-1810CAnn SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPHERD
25-Mar-1811MJames SHEPHERD of this parish and
Ann DERHAM of the same place - after Banns
by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Mary SHEPHEARD, Daniel LIDDIARD
29-Jul-1811CWilliam SHEPHERD, son of James and Ann SHEPHERD
2-Dec-1813BCatherine SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 86
7-Mar-1814CRachel SHEPHERD, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, Farmer40
17-May-1815BAnn SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 4
23-May-1815BRachel SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 1
21-May-1820CElizabeth SHEPPARD, daughter of James and Anne SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Labourer319
21-Jan-1822BThomas SHEPHERD of Ramsbury, aged 40
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
8-Sep-1822CSarah SHEPHERD, daughter of James and Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer427
8-Aug-1824CLucy SHEPHERD, daughter of James and Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer517
23-Jan-1825MEdward PHILLIPS of this parish, Schoolmaster and
Anne SHEPHERD, young woman of this parish - after Banns
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: James BRIDGEMAN, Daniel LIDDIARD
3-Jul-1825BLucy SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 11m
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
29-Dec-1825MCharles SHEPHERD, young man of this parish and
Marianne NASH, young woman of this parish - after Banns
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: John WIND… [?], John BUNCE
12-Apr-1827MRobert LEWINGTON of and
Sarah SHEPHERD of Aldbourne by Banns
at Ramsbury
27-May-1827CLucy Anne SHEPHERD, daughter of James and Anne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer640
18-Oct-1827MAmbrose SHEPHERD, young man of this parish and
Louisa STRATTON, young woman of this parish - after Banns
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Daniel LIDDIARD, Mary SHEPHERD
9-Dec-1827BElizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 7
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
23-Apr-1829BJohn SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 76
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
2-Aug-1829BAnne SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 45
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
12-Oct-1829CBenjamin SHEPHERD, son of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer754
2-Jan-1830CGeorge SHEPPARD, son of Charles and Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker764
1-May-1831CElizabeth SHEPPARD, daughter of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Cotter826
11-Nov-1831BElisabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourn, aged 82
by J. ASHE, Minister
13-Jan-1832MJames SHEPPARD Widower of Aldbourne and
Mary JONES Widow by Banns
at Mildenhall
5-Jan-1834CThomas James SHEPPARD, son of Charles and Mary Ann SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker977
31-Aug-1834CSarah Ann SHEPHERD, daughter of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Labourer1008
26-Nov-1834MWilliam SHEPPARD of this parish and
Jane MOULDING of this parish - after Banns
by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: Mary Ann MOULDING, Richard MOULDING
20-Sep-1835CMary Ann SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker1066
25-Dec-1835CAnn SHEPPARD, daughter of James and Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker1079
24-Jan-1836CMary Jane SHEPPERD, daughter of Charles and Mary Ann SHEPPERD of Aldbourne, Cordwainer1092
17-Apr-1836CRobert SHEPHERD, son of Ambrose and Louisa SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Ostler1103
29-Jan-1837CWilliam SHEPPARD, son of William and Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker1141
5-Feb-1837BMartha SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 50
9-Feb-1837BSarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 14
16-Mar-1837BElizabeth SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 84
17-Aug-1837BAnn SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 2
6-May-1838CCharles SHEPHERD, son of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker1209
7-Jul-1839CAnn SHEPHERD, daughter of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker1261
25-Mar-1840BAnn SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 9m
14-Feb-1841CJames SHEPHERD, son of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker1357
9-Nov-1843BGeorge SHEPPARD of Bucklebury, aged 13
25-Feb-1844CGeorge SHEPPARD, son of William and Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker1513
31-Aug-1845CTom SHEPHERD, son of William and Jane SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, Baker22
23-Jan-1846BTom SHEPHARD of Aldbourne, aged 5m
4-Sep-1849BCharles SHEPHERD of Aldbourne, aged 52
2-Sep-1859BRichard Moulding SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 4
by T.E. Langford SAINSBURY, Curate
1-Jan-1860CSusan Phillips SHEPPARD, , [See 5 May 1867] [Tax: 0d]178
14-Apr-1861BWilliam SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 24
by T.E. Langford SAINSBURY, Curate
30-Jul-1864BAmbrose SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 65
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
4-Jun-1865CAmbrose SHEPPARD, son of Robert and Elizabeth Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Butcher109
19-Dec-1865MWilliam SHEPPARD, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Shoemaker and
Sarah BRIND, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of William BRIND, Labourer - after Banns
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: William BRIND [X], Rhoda WILSON
22-Mar-1866CWilliam SHEPPARD, son of James and Emma SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 3-Dec-1862]
Lambourn Wesleyan
23-Dec-1866CWilliam Isaac SHEPPARD, son of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker165
5-May-1867CSusan Phillips SHEPPARD, daughter of Benjamin and Mary SHEPPARD of Camden Town, Middlesex, Waiter, Aged 7 years [Born: 1860]178
14-Nov-1867MEdwin SHEPHERD, bachelor, aged 20 of Aldbourne, Baker; son of William Shepherd, Baker and
Mary Martha TALMAGE, spinster, aged 20 of Ramsbury; dau of William TALMAGE, Grocer
at Ramsbury
13-Mar-1868CHenry Brind SHEPPARD, son of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker214
3-Oct-1869CSarah Ann SHEPPARD, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Inn-keeper289
13-Dec-1870CLucy SHEPPARD, daughter of James and Emma SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 20-Jun-1867]
Lambourn Wesleyan
26-Dec-1870MGeorge PORTON, Bachelor, of full age of Cricklade St Mary, Police Constable; son of William PORTON, Labourer and
Sarah Ann SHEPPARD, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of William SHEPPARD, Baker - after Banns
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Edwin SHEPPARD, Mary Ann ALEXANDER
7-Apr-1872CStephen Robert SHEPPARD, son of Robert and Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Inn-Keeper407
7-Apr-1872CRobert John SHEPPARD, son of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker404
7-Jun-1872BElizabeth Mary SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 28
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
9-Sep-1872BStephen SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 7m
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
14-Aug-1873BAnn SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 32
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
23-Jul-1874CIsaac John SHEPPARD, son of Isaac John and Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourn [Born: 29-May-1874]
Lambourn Wesleyan
16-Mar-1876CCampbell Messenger SHEPPARD, son of Isaac John and Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 13-Aug-1875]
Lambourn Wesleyan
6-Aug-1876CFrederick Mark SHEPPARD, son of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker580
25-Jun-1877CWilliam George SHEPPARD, son of Isaac John and Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker618
29-Jun-1877BJames William SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 11w
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
12-Nov-1877BFrederick Mark SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 1
by S.M. STABLE, Curate
15-Nov-1877MTom PALMER, Bachelor, aged 19 of Aldbourne, Willow Cutter; son of Stephen PALMER, Farmer and
Elizabeth Jane SHEPPARD, Spinster, aged 20 of Aldbourne; dau of William SHEPPARD, Baker - after Banns
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Ann PALMER, Edwin SHEPPARD
8-Dec-1877BLouisa SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 68
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
13-Jun-1878CMary Jane SHEPPARD, daughter of Isaac John and Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 8-Apr-1878]
Lambourn Wesleyan
7-Aug-1879BMary Jane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 15m
by S.M. STABLE, Curate
16-Mar-1883CSarah Eliza SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker 53
22-Feb-1885CMaud SHEPPARD, daughter of George and Esther SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Carpenter127
22-Feb-1885CRhoda Mary Kate SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker 126
4-Apr-1885BSarah Eliza SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 2
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
29-Oct-1886BWilliam SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 75
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
9-Jan-1887CSidney James Palmer SHEPPARD, son of George and Hester SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Labourer (in the Union) 197
15-Jan-1887BSidney James Palmer SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 10w
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
2-Feb-1887CEdward Mark SHEPPARD, son of William and Sarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Shoemaker 199
10-Mar-1887CCharles James SHEPPARD, son of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 1-Sep-1886]
10-Mar-1887CWilliam George SHEPPARD, son of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 28-Sep-1882]
4-May-1887BRobert SHEPPARD of The Asylum, Devizes, aged 53
by J. STEARN, Curate of Ramsbury
7-Jul-1887BHenry SHEPPARD of Aldbourne (from Hospital), aged 13
by G.T. SHETTLE, Curate
19-Jan-1888MJohn ORCHARD, Widower, aged 50 of Aldbourne, Thatcher; son of Thomas ORCHARD, Thatcher and
Matilda Mary Ann SHEPPARD, Widow, aged 45 of Aldbourne; dau of Jonas BROAD [?], Builder - after Banns
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Stephen James EVERRETT, Mary EVERRETT,
31-Jul-1888MJames BUSH, bachelor, aged 21 of Aldbourne, baker; son of James BUSH (deceased), carpenter and
Lucy SHEPPARD, spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of James SHEPPARD, baker
18-Dec-1888CPercy Edward SHEPPARD, son of William and Susie SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker 258
14-Feb-1889CFrederick James SHEPPARD, son of Frederick James BUSH and Lucy SHEPPARD of Aldbourne [Born: 21-Sep-1886]
29-Apr-1889CFlorence Emma SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker 266
28-Jun-1889BPercy Edward SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 16m
by G.T. SHETTLE, Curate
6-Dec-1890MHenry Brind SHEPPARD, Bachelor, aged 23 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William SHEPPARD, Shoemaker and
Rose Ann DEW, Spinster, aged 29 of Aldbourne; dau of George DEW, Labourer - after Banns
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar; Witnesses: Edward DEW, Martha DEW
27-Dec-1891CAlice Maud SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker 337
27-Dec-1891CGertrude Ellen SHEPPARD, daughter of William Isaac and Sarah Ellen SHEPPARD of Overton, Carpenter 338
31-Jul-1892CLydia Mary Neate SHEPPARD, daughter of Ambrose and Lydia SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Carpenter 354
29-Oct-1893CHilda Mary SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker 382
30-Jun-1895CRobert Hedley SHEPPARD, son of Ambrose and Lydia SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Carpenter 421
25-Aug-1895CReginald Herbert Percy SHEPPARD, son of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker 427
11-Sep-1895BGeorge SHEPPARD of Hungerford Union, aged 50; [Died in Hungerford Union Workhouse: 8-Sep-1895] Buried at Aldbourne
by Pius A.R.J. SAUNDERS, Curate of S. Nicholas, Brighton
14-Jan-1896BSarah SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 53
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
29-Aug-1897CCecil Ernest SHEPPARD, son of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Labourer 475
18-Apr-1898BJane SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 83
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
10-Nov-1898BEmma SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 56
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
26-Mar-1899CEthel Jessie SHEPPARD, daughter of William and Susan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Baker 520
30-Jan-1901CFrederick Henry SHEPPARD, son of Henry Brind and Rose Ann SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Carrier [Born: 13-Nov-1900]
28-Mar-1902BSusan SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, aged 40
by L.H. FERRIS, S.S.A., Curate-in-charge
9-Nov-1902CAmy Ethel SHEPPARD, daughter of Alfred and Susannah SHEPPARD of Christchurch, Eastbourne, Sussex, Porter 93
24-Apr-1905MRobert John SHEPPARD, Bachelor, aged 33 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William SHEPPARD, Shoemaker and
Alice STACEY, Spinster, aged 33 of Aldbourne; dau of William STACEY, Builder - after Banns
by A.J. PITKIN; Witnesses: Thomas William STACEY, Kate SHEPPARD
10-Oct-1908MEdgar DIXON, Bachelor, aged 28 of Ramsbury, Carpenter; son of James DIXON, Carpenter and
Rhoda Mary Kate SHEPPARD, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of William SHEPPARD, Shoemaker - after Banns
by A.J. PITKIN; Witnesses: Robert John SHEPPARD, Lilian DIXON
15-Jan-1911CSarah Alice SHEPPARD, daughter of Robert John and Alice SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Groom 279
14-Oct-1911MEdward Mark SHEPPARD, Bachelor, aged 24 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of William SHEPPARD, Bootmaker and
Beatrice Alice WILLIAMS, Spinster, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of John WILLIAMS, Labourer - after Banns, [Page incomplete on Microfiche - refered to original]
by W.A. BUTLER, Vicar; Witnesses: Albert James EMBERLIN, Ethel Marie WILLIAMS
22-Sep-1912CWilliam James SHEPPARD, son of Edward Mark and Beatrice Alice SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Groom 314
5-Sep-1915CElizabeth Elsie May SHEPPARD, daughter of Edward Mark and Beatrice Alice SHEPPARD of Aldbourne, Labourer 386
1-Aug-1920CWilliam Albert Edward SHEPHERD, son of William Gilbert and May SHEPHERD of Dudmore Lodge, Aldbourne, Cowman [Born: 15-Mar-1920] 459
13-Jan-1921CIrene Myra SHEPPARD, daughter of Edward Mark and Beatrice Alice SHEPPARD of Castle St, Aldbourne, Gardener, P[rivate ?] Received into Church Feby 14 1921 [Born: 10-Jan-1921] 468
< Family Name Index >